
Should he of done this

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a kid was playing football. and some guy came out of no were and said you have a dirty mouth, I asume the kid said a cuss word. but thats not the point I dont fell it was right for a random guy just to go and yell at this kid just b/c he said a bad word. plus he was bout to get his mouth punch by that kids friend.




  1. Some people may disagree, but I for one cheer on adults who reprimand children/youths/anyone for using foul language in public. People today are so afraid to say anything to anyone, especially if the child's parents are around, because Heaven forbid you insinuate their child is less than perfect, or you aren't doing a good job as a parent. Good for that person for calling out the child. As for the friend, who goes around punching people? That's just bad manners. The youth of today have absolutely no respect for anyone; not their peers, not their parents, not their teachers, not their elders. It's a very sad world sometimes.

    Best Regards,


  2. "of" = "Have"

    no were = nowhere

    asume = assumed

    thats = that's

    dont = don't

    fell = feel

    bout = about

    punch = punched

    kids = kid's

    ... please be more watchful of your grammar... not to mention your run-on sentence, capitalization, and punctuation.

    As for this situation, they were playing football.  Sometimes kids who play football intentionally insult others just to make trouble and to possibly incite a fight.  Furthermore, when playing such a rough sport, some people's adrenalin gets flowing, and they can't stop their mouths from running, either.  Some people think that such aggression is a natural part of the game, and that's why such a thing can happen.

    My advice... stop playing football.

    Have a polite day.
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