
Should heavy people wear bikinis?

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My aunt weighs 450lbs and wants to goto the beach with us she beleives its whats on the inside that counts not the outside

and she wants to wear a bikini at the beach




  1. Anyone who is comfortable with wearing a bikini, and flaunting what they've got should wear one.

    Anyone who is confident will radiate that, and look gorgeous no matter what, some of the most beautiful women in history were big, Marilyn Monroe for example.

    If she feels beautiful, she will look beautiful, and anyway who cares what strangers on the beach think?

  2. Can't believe some of the answers here, sometimes ppl go to the beach to have fun not show off to other ppl.

  3. Why is it only heavy people say it's what's on the inside that counts?

  4. Of course she can. It's got nothing to do with you. But if she weight 450 pounds, why would she want to. . . . .

  5. why not? skinny, bony ones do and think they look great. nothing uglier than a bony body.

  6. As long as she feels comfortable but    I wouldn't

  7. Why not? What law says you can't?

    Seriously, don't mind what other people will say.

  8. h**l yes!!! who gives a c**p what others think, it is about whats on the inside, if she wants to wear a bikini, GO AUNTY!!!

  9. let her wear what she wants ... what's wrong it is her body and some ppl see this looking nice

  10. I don't see where it's any of your business or mine what your aunt wears to the beach.  So, yes, they should if they want to.

  11. Well, ultimately, it's up to her, but I'm sure people around her won't appreciate it.  Sure, it's what's on the inside that counts, but if you're not making any effort to make your outside look nice, what does that say about what's on the inside?

  12. Why with all thos rolls you dont see the bikinis anyway I have solv it when you go into a beachware shop th door should only open up so wide

  13. I don't know...

    It's mean to say that they shouldn't....

    But sometimes it's hard to look at...

  14. If she wants to wear it then yes she should wear it.

  15. no way,bikinis should never be made for people over a size 12(uk) size,i don't know wat it is in the states,id let the fattys wear a bathing costume tho,thats quite fair is it not,so fat people dont say i never do anything for you.

  16. as much as i want to pull out the 'be happy with what youve got!' card, im gonna have to be against this one. sure, someone has the right to wear whatever they want, but when its at the beach and other people have to look at her in the bikini, its almost a public nuisance.

    people are there to enjoy their time at the beach, not see some woman's butt getting flossed by her bikini thong.

  17. I realize that we all want to 'fit' in, but sometimes we just have to face reality.  

  18. if they can carry their outfit why not

  19. One piece would be my vote for her. I get that people can feel comfortable with there body but not everyone one wants to see it

  20. EEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!


  21. ok comming from a 380 pound Auntie myself i would never in a million years do that to my nieces or nephews. Holy c**p, is she NUTS???? She's got to be joking with you! I tease my nieces and nephews all the time that i am gonna pick them up from school in my coconut bra but do I? (Do I even own one?) I don;t care how comfortable I feel in what i wear I wouldn't dream of wearing a bikini. I wouldn't want the people I am with to hear the smirks, snickers and comments, giggles and outright laughter that I would get if I were to wear a bikini on a beach. h**l I wouldn't even wear one around my own house, I have more respect for myself than that. I am a swimmer, I do wear a swim suit and it's flattering (I think). It's mostly black with a little skirt on the bottom, low cut front (for a good tan) and lower in the back. **That makes me think of that movie "Norbits" has everyone seen that? It's so funny. She wore a bikini....... Oh my gosh when she gets in her car..... rent it.. you have too!!

  22. It doesn't matter. I have really big b***s and butt and I were my bikini all the time.

  23. 450 lbs?   Would someone that size fit into a car?  

    Surely you are exaggerating.

    Maybe she is just slightly heavy.   Don't be giving her such a hard time.

  24. well some people may not find it Appropriate...

    Maybe shes should think about the people around her..?

    But hey if shes Comfortable... More power to her... i guess?

  25. Consider viewpoint. From someone offended by people who are attired in accordance to what they think is inappropriate or even unflattering...they would say no. From someone who is comfortable with their attire, physical state etc. and does not care what others might do what you want. This basically means the "should" in your statement is not based on moral or legal grounds. If it were NOT a legal nude beach and she wished to go naked, then she should not on legal grounds. Behavior, presence and actions are governed by the individual's willingness to follow the desires/expectation of others...including legal matters. In all cases the individual will have to bear consequences.

       Remember, some people are not put off but attracted to heavy people...and they might as easily consider skinny girls in a bikini to be unflattering and inappropriate.


  26. if you think that is funny then you should see here in Spain how they were their cloths and the ages in the bikinis here it is hilarious not to mention the sizes. You should wear what fits your age and weight sizes

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