
Should homeowner with no children pay school taxes?

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I want to know




  1. well your kinda stuck doing it anyways  just like everyone else in america......... it aint gonna change

  2. everyone has to pay taxes! it is up to us to elect officials who will put the money to good use! I know it is aggravating but the elderly has to pay the tax and if the have or had kids they are no longer in school. I am more willing to pay taxes for a better school than for the prisons and welfare! If we can provide great schools and educators maybe there would be less violence and unemployment..... I say educate the children!

  3. Yes. We paid "our taxes" when you went to school.

    I didn't hear you complaining "then."

    What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. <}:-})

  4. Didn't the homeowners go to school and benifit from school taxes? They should pay just as the generation which paid for them did.

  5. Yes so you can support the next generation of America even if you didn't contribute a child to it. If children get the best education possible you as an adult will be able to retire and live comfortably in the near future. Which is what I think you'd want.

  6. No that is stupid maybe I'm not seeing the big picture but I'm mean come on. The taxes are supposed to go to the school right? Well I would imagine so, it should be like this. It should be optional let's say your the person that just wants to live there. You don't plan on having kids or at least not in that area. So you elect not to pay those school taxes. Now let's so you don't have kids but will sometime soon. You elect to pay the tax because you know in the future you kid/s will go there. So now your paying for the school's future which makes sense. But out right flat if you have kids and they GO to that school than pay the tax no questions asked. If they don't go to that school because of other reasons than pay the tax to the school they go to. It's seems very simple makes sense? Do I need to run for president of all schools and put my plan in affect?

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