
Should homework be given over the weekend, why or why not?

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  1. Yes -  the more of it the better.

    If kids are doing homework over the weekends they are not causing havoc on the streets, and upsetting the neighbours.

  2. Look at it this way.

    By the time you are eighteen, you will be expected to have a certain level of knowledge and familiarity with academic issues, in a wide range of subjects. That takes more time than you have in school - not only that, but part of education is learning to work on your own, not just in a class with someone leading you by the nose through the answers.

    If your teachers just stop giving you homework at the weekends, when do you plan to make up what you have missed out on? You don't do homework so your teachers can test you on it. You do it to gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in further education and employment.

  3. NO!

    we are at school alllllll week and they expect us to take it to OUR Weekends


  4. Homework should be given whenever more practice is needed on the skills being learned in school.  The day of the week it falls on should have no bearing.  You don't stop breathing on the weekends, so why should you stop learning?  =+)

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