
Should horse face Camilla be called HRH and why is she so ugly?

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Should horse face Camilla be called HRH and why is she so ugly?




  1. in genetics, crossing two separate in-bred lines restores hybrid vigour.

    maybe they're planning to have babies to make the future royals less ugly than what they are at present?

  2. It isn't important what she looks like is it. Prince Charles loves her and married her. End of discussion.

    She is entitled HRH because she is Charles's lawfully wedded wife.

    Diana was HRH and so Camilla should have the same right.

  3. no she should nt the ugly BOOT i would nt touch her with yours

  4. im sure her looks are gene related just like your and mine are...............and she will never be called hrh, because of diana

  5. HRH

    Her royal horse

    should be renamed with an F on the end

  6. She got the style HRH when she married a son of the reigning monarch.  Guessing her features are genetic, as most of us are.

  7. So true love shouldnt be allowed then...I suppose the staged marriage of Diana was much better and more honest.

    Horses look lovely...ask any horse.

    she isnt ugly..its just your view of her...

    Perfection is a burden you handle well...not!

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can see love for what it is. Looks don't play into it-when you truly love someone. Sure Diana was beautiful-but it was Charles's money that helped her achieve her looks. She wasn't the beauty before. She was just an average looking teachers aide. But with his money she became what people now call beautiful. It's sad that some of you make fun of Camilla's looks and put her down. Like one of the answerer's said, we all tend to lose our looks when we get old. Diana would of started losing her too. So don't judge too harshly. Without her makeup she was already starting to look old.

  9. She should not deserve the title for someone who wrecked another's marriage.  

    She is ugly not only outside but inside as well.

  10. For God's sake have some respect for our future Queen.

    This wonderful women has done more to restore the prestige and dignity of the Royal family than anyone else alive.

    If it was not for her glorious example we would probably be heading down the road to being a republic.

    That would be the road to anarchy!

  11. Nobody's perfect, I'm certainly not.

    What's it like?

  12. Camilla is nothing but an old slapper.  thank god Charles never married her 30 yrs ago.  How unattractive would their kids have been????

  13. As the brits will bow to anything royal then yes she should.

    The ans. to ugly is simple......she is!

  14. Is your mother UGLY?

  15. I don't think she's ugly at all and why are you so childish?

  16. the face is a mirror that reflects your inner ... it would be her inner deeds that are reflecting on her face and thats y she is like that so as i so as u we all reflect our souls .

  17. camilla is sixty. show me a beautiful person in their 60's. camilla, when she was young was a lovely vivacious happy young lady.she is not and never has been ugly or horse faced.

    camilla and charles were made for each other and they should have married years ago. circumstance intervened and it didnt happen. i'm glad for them that they are together now.  and yes she can be HRH

  18. Her Royal Highness Camilla, Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall etc etc is her right and proper title for marrying His Royal Highness Charles, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall etc etc. Charles's former wife had the same titles but she is now dead.

    Camilla is over 60 and a good looking woman for her age. Are you always so rude to people you don't know?

  19. It's no accident it takes years of inbreeding lol

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