
Should i Still play World of Warcraft?

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I played World of Warcraft and i was so addicted to it well because i didn't have control of myself...but now i can but is it worth playing it again?




  1. definitly and if you can't get a hold of yourself so what if its what you enjoy just play it and enjoy it

  2. no it is evil and makes you lose your real life friends and social life

  3. Hm well if your getting addicted to it and its making you ill, lack of sleep, lack of eating or over snacking then i suggest you give it a break for a while or quit it. If you can have self control then go for it.

  4. yes its really fun,

    theres servers that you don't have to pay

  5. I wouldn't if you already know you got addicted to it..

  6. Heres something that you should take into consideration and it helped me quit ... whats the point? if you start now and get all the best gear they'll just come out with another expansion pack that makes your gear worth c**p, in the end you wont be known ppl wont care that your the best warrior on the server,so theres no point try playing games like CoD4,TF2 or a RTS atleast they have an ending and your skill will mean something, you wont stress over them because you dont need to stay up for a raid, or stay up making enough money to pay for your repairs for the next raid. Just quit when you do quit you'll look back and say wow what a waste of life, trust me I realized i wasted my life cause i spent 2 years on it my grades went down, social life went to c**p, and i barley got anysleep.

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