
Should i accept money orders or just cash fromitem on craigslist..?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to sell a laptop on craigslist fro about $650 an i was wondering what form of payment i should accept. I am fully aware of those Nigerian scams and such so I am not going to sell to anyone that i dont meet face to face for the deal. I know that i should accept only cash but that is alot of money so i dont know anyone would agree to that. Or should i accept money orders and then call the number on the back to verify it, while the buyer is still in front of me? I need ur opinions thanks




  1. Cash!  If the buyer has the cash to get the money order, then they have cash to give you.  They might be using the MO copy as a receipt, but you can write them a bill of sale.

  2. CASH ONLY!!! Craigslist also reminds you to deal with CASH ONLY  right on the website!!!  The person who presents a money order just had the cash before they purchased the money order, and now you have the hassle of going and cashing a money order.  Why not just deal in cash?  Either way they have the cash before they meet up with you, why not just keep in straight cash?

  3. You have already had great advice, I just had one thought.

    I am sure this is a no brainer, but definitely have a friend with you when you meet any perspective buyers.

  4. Cash only!!!!! theres is alot of fake cashiers checks and money orders out there. $650 isn't that much to carry around. Get the money and go straight to the bank and deposit it.

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