
Should i allow my son to go to a rock concert an hour away from home?

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my son and his BFF want to drive an hour from home to see a Cher tribute singer. my son isn't driving, he only has his temps and i don't allow him to drive at night. his BFF wants to drive to the concert. is this too risky? should i allow them and then secretly follow them? i just want the boys to be safe. his BFF has only been driving for two years. am i being over protective?

my son is 23 and his BFF is 22. thanks for your input.




  1. I'm concerned that this BFF might be trying to steal your son away from you.

  2. Now I would start to be concerned!

    I mean come on, that is to far to travel and at night!

    Did you offer to take them? I think that's what you should do. Explain to them that they will be far to excited to pay attention to the road.

    Not to mention the weirdos who might be hanging around a place like that at that hour. They could try and take advantage of your innocent boy like take his money or worse (try to touch him)

    I have to agree with what one of the people said above me I think your sons BFF is a negative influence. You didn't have any of these issues before him!

    What's next...? He may want to move out and in with him then what?! Don't let this happen!

    Get Rid Of Him Now Before It's To Late!

  3. Yes, but ask to see their stubs upon return.

  4. NO NO NO! Cher is the root of all evil!! Do NOT let him go! He and his poor BFF have no idea what they are getting into. Be a good mommy and duct tape them to a chair and padlock the door. Pour sugar in the gas tank, just do not let them go.

  5. A Cher tribute concert is not a good sign. Does he have any Village People or Elton John CD's?  

  6. This BFF may be negatively influencing him, I don't think you should let him go.

  7. LOL. Never let anyone you know go to a Cher tribute concert. Tell him no.  

  8. Well you must be a great parent albeit somewhat worrisome.

    I'm going to give you an answer you may not like, because I

    was beat up all the time by my old man as a child so at AGE

    8 I left home to go work on farms for friends and cousins. I

    pretty much took care of myself, slept in the attic or out under

    the stars and would take my .22 and go hunting out in the

    wilderness for days at a time. I started driving tractors around

    age 10 and was driving the farm truck into town for supplies

    by 12. I bought my first car at age 14 with my own money. So

    the idea that you would be the least bit worried about 16 or 17

    year olds going to a concert, let alone 22 or 23-year-old MEN,

    blows my mind! Of course I grew up in an America that is

    gone forever, but it wasn't that long ago, and boys still grow

    up by age 18 last I checked.  

  9. I hate to tell you but your son may be g*y. or else your joking

  10. Oh yeah let them go 22 and 23 they are man now and they are independent and responsible individuals and you wont know that until you let them to go and prove themselves. Nobody goes through life without making mistakes and that helps them to learn and become stronger people. You don't want to put restraints on them forever then they won't get to experience life.  But for your peace of mind you could have them call you when they get there and leave.

    What kind of trouble can someone get into at a cher concert. What are you really worried about?

  11. This brings back so many memories! It's just like when my first bff and I drove to that Sara Mclachlan concert. It was only a half hour away but strangely it took us about 3 hours to get there... I'd let him go, he's sure to have some great memories of the trip up!

  12. Your son is 23?? I am 23, and I thought my mum used to be overprotective but she lets me do what I want now!! sorry but you should let him go....h**l be fine..I mean, everyone has a few risks in their life, but that dosent mean they will actually come to a disaster....every time we cross the road there is a cant protect him forever....

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