
Should i ask for a raise or quit

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hey im 20,I'm a apprentice carpenter(3rd year), when ever i suggest more money,he jus says do more work, but i do enough work already, the other ppl who work for him does only a quarter more work than me a day and get like £150 day wage as i only get £30 and he expects me to drive to work costing me £50 diesel a week and dont pay me for it,should i ask for a raise or jus quit n find a new job or carrer tbh i dont even like doing carpentry,its stressful n dangerous(well it is on the sites i work on) what should i do help meeeeee




  1. The fact that you don't like carpentry is reason enough to quit if you're only serving your apprenticeship. Also the fact that you are still an apprentice means you're learning the job and won't get a good wage until after you complete it (like your other colleagues have done).

    What other people earn is no concern of yours anyway.

  2. Ask for a raise and if you get it peace will be restored.

    If not trip over a twig or something and claim benefits and you will get about a years wages in benefits.

  3. Id keep the job for the money but in your spare time look for something else....

  4. i dont wish to be cruel but welcome to the real world of working.

    try and find a career that you like even if it means going back to college in order to get qualifications.

       you do have to remember that in most jobs you have to start at the bottom and work your way up.

    your young and if you dont have responsibilities now is the time to change jobs as when your older its much more difficult.

    best of luck.

  5. Yes. Not only that but he is treating you unfairly. Leave, he will soon notice how of an asset you are.  

  6. Give him an ultimatum.. ask for a raise and say you'll quit otherwise :D

  7. do some job hunting when you can and see if your current experience can land you a spot.

    Sounds like you're working for some country-bumpkin old f**t, he'll never give you a raise, you need to find a better pay elsewhere, then announce you're leaving.

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