
Should i ask for presents.?

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my parents are giving me a sweet sixteen party.. should i ask them for anything else? i mean im so grateful they are even throwing me a party but i dont want to be too greedy and ask for more. you know? i really want/need a new cell phone should i ask for that since im not getting a car?




  1. try to hint it. just look at cell phones on the internet when your parents are in the room. I do that sometimes (but it doesn't have ANY effect on my parents).  

  2. No, if they ask you what you want then you can tell them, but otherwise a party is enough.  You're right, you dont want to seem too greedy.  Just use some of your birthday money and tell your parents you are gonna buy a phone.  They'll probably buy you one anyway if they see you are willing to use your money.  :-)

  3. If they ask you what present you want for your b-day, then tell them.  Sometimes they don't ask, they just look for hints or ask your siblings and friends to find out for them.  If you don't get the cell phone, then buy it with you $ presents, everybody gets $ from their relatives on their b-day.

    Last year in November, my niece bought all the stuff she wanted but did not get on her sweet 16 party, with the $ gifts.  She bought UGG boots, Timberland boots a  Chihuahua, and some other teen must-have items.  

    She also kept some of the $ to buy her parents something nice for X-mas, to thank them for the awesome party they planned for her.

  4. Well say I love the so and so cell phone. But don't put pressure, just say you like it and are saving your money up for it. The less pressure the bigger chance!

  5. You shouldnt have to ask your parents for a present for your birthday. I dont know them, but im pretty sure they will get you something even though they are throwing you a party.  Thats not a gift.

  6. well start a conversation about your friends having a phone or something and then just say that the best gift you could have is a cell phone!

  7. Hey, they were very nice to throw an party. Maybe u wait on the cellphone. But, maybe try to ask nice. What ever the answer, be thankful for what they already done for u.  

  8. ask them for whats the worst they can say?

  9. Depends-Is the party an inexpensive sleepover for a couple of friends or is it a sit down dinner at a fancy restaurant. If they're already shelling out a bunch of money, don't get greedy. Christmas is only a few months away.

  10. UM yeah ask for presents.  Gosh,  it's only your bday.

  11. You should give them a Thank you card and if you recieve money gifts use the money to buy a cell phone.

  12. try asking them like you just asked us.  say you don't want to sound greedy, but you are in need of a new cell phone.  tell them how thankful you are for the party, and if a cell phone isn't too much to ask for, you would also like a new one.

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