
Should i ask her out again...?

by Guest57688  |  earlier

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Heeelp with a date!?

I met a a german forign exchange girl a week ago. we have been talking alot for tthe past 5 days. I am basically the only guy she talks to in class. I walk with her to her locker everyday and say bye ect... last thursday i asked her to go to the movies at six oclock. She said that she cant because she was going to dinner with her host family

i asked her today if she wanted to go to the dance(saterday). She said that she didnt want a date. She is going with a her friend (host family's daughter). I wanted to do something with her, so should i ask her tommorow to go to the movies on friday night? or would that seem kind of wierd/desperate to ask her out two times in 2 days?




  1. Just do it one more time, third times the charm. But this time don't say a place or time. Just ask if she wants to hang out whenever. If she says yes, ask her when she's available and make the date then. Later you can decide what to do. If she somehow finds an excuse to this, she's not interested and just leave her alone.  

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