
Should i ask her out? (im kinda shy)?

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im a junior in highshool and shes a sophmore, weve been talking for about a week and we both find each other attractive(i know she thinks im cute because she told her friend, who then told me, and i really like her), but when ever we talk ....its just small talk, well hug each other every time we see one another or ill smile at her, anyways weve been talking for about a week now, should i ask her out next week? and if i do, how should i do it?

Im really new at this because im used to the girl asking me out, i dont want to do that with her because i dont want her to lose intrest.

ps( she knows that i find her attractive because i told her friend who then went back and told her)




  1. ask her..... whatds the worst that could happen? you're not gunna drop dead.

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