
Should i ask him if he likes me??

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this guy i know has been flirting with me in a lot of ways.;_ylt=AngtP6ud3b_aaphq_K1t64PAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080901154341AAP7pVE

i talk to him everyday and i dont know if i should ask him if he likes me. his sister is my best friend and his dad is my swim team coach. i kinda like him but i dont know if i really do. i see him everyday for swim practice too. i dont know what to do. should i ask him if he likes me?




  1. Just ask him if he likes you.

    He seems like a nice guy, but don't do anything you don't want to do.

  2. No. if hes your best friends brother, he's off limits. things might get weird between you and your best friend and you cant risk that. i can give you a milion reasons why you should never ask a guy if he likes you, but the #1 reason is that he will be embarassed and say no even if he does like you, and then he will totally back off. unless you want him to stop flirting and avoid you starting now, dont. Just give it time and go with the flow.

  3. Nooooo don't do that.

  4. i'd decide if i really like him first, then if you decide that you do, have some fun flirting back - no need to rush things x

  5. its up to u man. but im telling u from previous experiences if your already best friends with the guy you likes sister it will never work out... i mean like if say your going out or seeing each other and you go to his house.. you know.. u gota have that balance between him and your best friend and jealousy can become a massive issue. just saying and yeah. ask him but just be aware of that  

  6. it defintely seems like he likes you! i had a (guy) friend that was the same way, and he ended up liking me and i liked him, kinda like you!

    i probably would, and dont get too nervous or anything! just remember you have only one life to live, so have fun and do what you feel! If he likes you back yay! if not, just continue being friends!

    i hope i helped a little bit!

    good luck with whatever you do!


  7. No just ask him out.   Action, not words.    Find something fun to do during the day on Saturday or after practice and ask him to join you.   Day is good, not threatening, doesn't have to start out as a date and it can blossom into one.

  8. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Punch him.

  10. if you really like him then yes you should ask him if he really likes you!!

  11. i wouldn't just go up to him and be like do you like me??

    i would hang out with him a little more, flirt with him, maybe give him hugs when you say goodbye just make it gradual and if you end up likeing him and he likes you then   taadaa

  12. No you might mess up things with your best friend.  Keep this one as a friend for now.  You can still have fun together but you don't need to get serious.

  13. Do it

  14. If you're ready for rejection!

  15. just go and ask him if he fancies a walk on Saturday, you can go get ice cream!

  16. you could find out from his sister...just tell her that it seems like her brothers been flirting with you.  

  17. NO!!! DONT ASK HIM!!!! u should be able to know if he likes u or not. if he laughs at ur joke which u should tell him a joke. and if he is never really like looking in ur eyes THAT much then he prob. likes u! i wish u luck! i hope u have a great relationship with this guy!

  18. yah ask him to like the movies or a dance or something who knows maybe he really likes you toooooooo!

  19. Make kind of a joke...

    But be careful with what you say, I really think he likes you

  20. Ask him.You'll never know if he likes you if you don't ask him yourself.

  21. yes and the if he says no are you going to be sad than if you are you no you like him    and if he says yes and your happy that date em!!

  22. You should hint at it like if he wears blue a lot, then with your friend, say you like most boys who wear blue, y'know?

  23. how old are you? if you are 16 or below ....go watch barney and stop thinking about boys and there bananas

    if you are 16 or older is my you think he likes you..does he make you laugh or does he "help'' when you are swimming...

    if he does...then you have a winner...if not ask his brother and make him jeolous if he doesnt then ask his dad...

  24. Well, my father has always said

    "When opportunity comes by, grab it immediately."

    We ask, "And how will we know when opportunity is there?"

    He would chuckle, "When it's gone, you'll know it was there."

    So basically, you could ask him and get to hear an answer to settle your heart's question.

    OR you could never ask what he thinks of you and just wonder what would happen, for the rest of your life.

  25. Yes, you should. Some guys are just too shy.

  26. uhhh...yeah.

    You'd better ask him before someone else does.

    Me, nor none of my friends think negatively if a girl asks us if we like her.

    Dunno if it's the same for humans, though.

  27. seems like he really likes you. so there's two options one you could take the high road and ask him which might be very uncomfortable so just let him tell you for himself

  28. Sure. Share a donut, share a laugh.

  29. well look 4 different signs like flirt with him and see if he flirts back>>>  good luck!!

  30. get his number and textttttttt ! just get to know him good and see where it takes you !

  31. I think you knew the answer before you asked the question.

    Do what you think is right

    Answer mine please its relevant;...

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