
Should i ask my dad for money $200?

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i am 23 years old and i havent seen my dad since i was a baby...i cant remember anything about him. he has not paid any child support and has not helped me out in anyway. i finally got in touch with my dad about 5 years ago, but we have not seen each other,only a few phone conversations. its been almost a year since i have talked to him. the reason why i havent talked to him is because he wasnt there for me while i was growing up and im feel angry. now, i am going to school and working a part time job but i am having financial problems. i need an extra $200 to help me pay for my books for school. i would ask my mom but she has her own money problems and i dont really like asking other family member for money. should i call and ask him for it or not? what should i do?




  1. I believe if you call him, he will lend you the money, but he may not be happy about you calling him because of that. In fact, I'd probably not call him. Can't you turn to your friends instead? like maybe $50 from 4 friends and pay them back later.  

  2. Yeha he's your father, that's the LEAST he can do.

    Good luck, i hope you get the money. :)  

  3. tell that man that he needs to put some father effort into your life and help you out with school so you can make something of yourself and become a better man than him! :]  

  4. Since it's for college and you have a job, then I'd say go ahead and ask

  5. yeah because you have every right to ask your his daughter no matter what anyone says and its not like hes gona bite your head off if you ask you have every right to ask btw he should give you alot more then 200 he should feel guilty for not being there to take care of you

    ask ask askk !! =)

  6. I sure would call him.

    Just be like ;;

    " Hey Dad. I was wondering if you can lend me 200$. I need the money for books for school, and if I dont have them theres no way I can pass.."


  7. why not, I would, yu never know he probably would be glad to help since he probably feels quilty about not begin there for you while you was growin up

  8. Call and ask him.. You never know until you ask. If he says no, then at least you know you tried. $200 isnt a lot and if he knows that your using to for your education he just might help you out.  

  9. I understand your situation completely, I'm actually in the same situation, except im unemployed and i need the money to pay for my cell phone bill. I can understand how this can be awkward, you know, asking your father whose almost like a stranger to you for money, but it's worth a shot. He'll probably feel obligated to give you the money because he may feel guilty for not being there for you all those years. The worst thing he could say is "no" anyways. Best of luck to you.  

  10. Ask him, he's your father after all. The worst he can say is no, so be prepared to find a part time job to supplement your supplies for the school.

    If you have a credit card, charge the supplies to it and as soon as you get a job or the money from somewhere, pay the card back. Make sure you only use the card for an absolute emergency, not a means to pay your way out of anything and forget about it.

    Good Luck!

  11. I would ask him you will never know until you try!

  12. I don't blame you for being upset with your Dad. What a bad father, he never paid child support and spoke to you only a few times in 23 years? Honey, do NOT keep in touch with him. He does not appreciate or respect you or your Mom. I would move on with my life and do NOT look back. You have to talk to your Mom maybe you and her can pay half each. Or do you have a Aunt or Grandmother that can help?

    Good luck!

  13. I say call him.

  14. You should. There's no lost to it. If he doesn't lend it to you, so be it. If he does, then you're worry free. You should probably ask him for more..

  15. i think you should ask him.

  16. Well if you want to start a relationship with your dad give him a call, if you don't want him in your life then don't.  It's that simple.

    Oh and you really don't need half the books you are told to buy in college, buy used books for the courses you need and for the other ones wait till you are a week into classes before buying books becuase then you will have an idea which ones you need them for.

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