
Should i ask the girl i like to the show?

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Should i ask the girl i like to the show?




  1. yes, small loop hole, be friends and if only you to are going then its a date

    either way you'll get closer to her, its a win win situation if you think about it.

  2. girls love guys who are unafraid

    who are brave and bold

    and even if you stumble your words or do something quirky

    we love that

    it shows your normal, and funny

    most girls love funny guys!

    i know it seems like girls like bad guys

    but only imature girls like bad guys

    mature girls want a guy thats somewhat sensitive but also honset, funny, and a lil quirky at times

    defenantly ask the girl to the show

    if she says no, ask her friend!

  3. of course you do ask her.even if she says no at least you made an effort.and if she says yes be glad you made an effort.good luck

  4. Depends if you like her and she likes you back

  5. yes. ei wait...what kind of show?

  6. yeah go for it! what hav u got to lose!

  7. Go for it

  8. yes and if she reffuces she isny ut type so go on and smileeeee

    go go!go 4 it ;p


  9. Grow a pair and get-to-it, son!

  10. Yes and bring your wallet...And ask her if she wants pop corn or something to drink. I had a cheapskate who took me to the show and he didn't even ask me if I wanted anything from the concession stand. I felt short changed.

    Have fun.

  11. GO FOR IT!!!

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