
Should i be a sprinter or a judoka?

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I have shown lots of potential in athletics and judo, and i have set big goals for instance i want to compete in the olympics in the future and i'm in a difficult situation. Im getting times of 12 nearly 11 secs in 100m sprints and im also showing very good progress in judo. What should i do, choose to concentrate on judo for the olympics or sprinting. Or can i do both but it would be very difficult and unusual.

I don't usually ask for advise, but can someone help me on this one, thanks




  1. which do you like more

    that is the answer.

    us martial artist could yell "judo" in your face until we are blue in the face but if it is not what you are really in to it does not matter.

    If your goal is the Olympic and just the Olympics I actually suggest sprinting because to me martial arts is more a way of life then search for gold

  2. Well you are asking in the martial arts section so you will probably get more Judoka answers, but really which ever one of these that gets you up in the morning to train with everything you have and it feels worth it at the end of each day, it takes a lot more than jus ttalent to reach Olympic level it takes passion for the sport and total dedication.  Good Luck on which ever path you decide.

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