
Should i be a vegetarian???

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when i was 9 years old i grew on a farm, and experianced mant harsh things in life.. my dads job was to butcher and process cattle into meat..!! so i eventually got over it and started to get over it..and tried to move forward..but just last week my boyfriend josh scrared me for life once again by takin a job at our local meat processoming factory..i came home from work to find out that he wasnt processing cattle but my own DOG...!!! now once again im am a veg-head and i hate it...but i cant handle the harm of animals...especially my own the question i have i as a vegetarian allowed to eat animal my mind i still feel that is cruel..what to do?

concerned traumatized veg-head..thanks!




  1. animals are here for us to eat. its a great source of protein and good for you. just eat meat

  2. u should be a vegetarian

    look animals are also living beings

    they have the rite to live

    god never gave us the rite to KILL any living creature

    imagine u in the animal's place

    would u allow anyone to kill u and eat u up only because he likes ur taste

    never, then how can we?????

    u have an option of veg so why to unnecessarily kill them

  3. I too am a vegetarian. I don't really like it when they kill the animals to eat. I always get sad about that, they have a happy life and then they die. I choose to be a vegetarian because of that, but the choosing is up to you.. if your boyfriend is someone you really love and will spend your life with forever.. then don't be a vegetarian.

  4. WTF He processed your dog? =.= (Or was it a nightmare that you had because of his job?)  Just do what whatever that will ease off your worries, concerns, guilt and past memories.

  5. MUST. Here are 19 and more reasons WHY...

    1>> I became a vegan because it is a better nutritional diet.

    2>> Vegan are healthier because the average vegan is lighter than the average meat eater in Britain.

    3>> I became a Vegan because I was told about what happens to meat in the gut. It stays there for ages and rots, getting infected with bacteria.

    4>> I became a Vegan because I care about what I put into my body. I don’t want to put chemicals in there, nor anything dead. Plants are natural, so they can’t be harmful. The more you prune and pluck, more branches and fruits it yields.

    5>> I became a Vegan, because I want to live in a more natural way.

    6>> I became a Vegan, because stock farming is not economically viable. We could feed the Third World if everyone became a Vegan.

    7>> I became a Vegan because I don’t want to finance death. I don’t mind wearing a woollen jumper, because they don’t kill the sheep to get the wool.

    8>> I became a Vegan because I think that farming animals is cruel. Politicians & Religious idols do not care for animals. Current government subsidies do not cushion the animal welfare. Most farmers do not care about the welfare of their animals; If do, it would become be too expensive for them to sell.

    9>> I became a Vegan because crop farming is more efficient than stock farming. 100 units of food energy fed to an animal become only 10 units of meat, so meat production is inefficient.

    10>> I don't want to eat anything that I wouldn't be prepared to kill myself, though leisurely.

    11>> I don't want to eat anything that I wouldn't be prepared to kill by myself, though leisurely.

    12>> I became a Vegan because we don’t need meat to survive.

    13>> I became a Vegan because I don’t want to shorten the dairy cow’s natural lifespan from 25 years to 11 years.

    14>> I became a Vegan because that’s the way society is going. Thousands of people every minute are becoming Vegetarian. Killing and butchering will be regarded as taboo one day.

    15>> I became a Vegan because I’m a biologist; I know how the ecosystem & biodiversity works.

    16>> I became a Vegan because it is the future. There is an annoying connection made by many people that the way things are going is necessarily good, and/or inevitable. Perhaps the current trends are bad, and the future will not be as good as it could be. Perhaps things are heading a certain way, but this does not mean that we are powerless to stop them, nor does it mean that we should not try. This argument does not work either. One has to supply actual reason for vegetarianism, and this is not a reason, it is just an excuse at best.

    17>> I became a Vegan simply because my craving supersedes my love towards animals.

    18>> I became a Vegan because many scientists, philosophers, environmentalists, humanitarians, spiritualists, thinkers and SICK PERSONS were/are abstained from meat. Meat is absolutely not necessary to make smart and healthy.


    Vegetarianism is the new Puritanism. This is my belief. It is also one of my arguments towards vegetarianism, and although it may at first seem a flippant argument, I believe that it is very powerful. Vegetarianism is miserable. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food and linger around the societal norm. Anything which makes people less happy is bad.

  6. Ditch your boyfriend.  Get a restraining order and a gun.

  7. animals r not here for us to eat.  they r here to live on this earth like we.  I donno y v human r overtaking every space of other living being just being selfish.  I donno my bf eats non veg i dont eat. cos for me humanity is on priority b4 love.  I love animals and to whom u love u dont hurt them that's all what I blv.  if I cant hurt my bf or any other person so how can I hurt animals whether they r pet or stray or wild.

    as we r getting forward in technology, culture etc.  we have stopped respecting other creatures.  we think its only human who can leave on this earth.  but I dont think so.  and this is what what humans r sowing they r reaping.  Natural calamities, famines, floods, diseases etc lethal things r taking place in environment just humans r not in equilibrium with nature b it b trees, animals or land

  8. Ok, I'm a vegetarian I've never eaten meat. I'm healthy, active, never get sick healthy weight. and I'm training to be a chef. what i cant understand in your Q is that your boyfriend was cooking up your dog??? Whats with that? Anyway there is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian i am and i'm cool so there!!!!!    

  9. well if u absolutely love animals and u cry when u see one die then maybe u should be a vegetarian I'm a fussy eater over meat and I only eat meat like fish and chicken nuggets. If u dont give the guts about animals but dont like the taste of meat then just eat some meats that u like.

    Hope this has helped and I hope you choose this as the top answer!

  10. i think killing animals for food or any reason really is wrong.

    from what ive heard, every vegetarian saves basically 100 animals in their lifetime.

    if you dont want to eat meat or feel guilty, then you probably shouldnt.

    it may be tough at first getting used to it and stuff but it just gets easier and it doesnt take long at all before not eating meat is no big deal at all.

    its easier than people think.

  11. It's your decision.

    I'm not a vegetarian though..

    I support animal rights.

    But I believe there's a difference between wild animals, pets, and animals bred for food.

  12. I am thinking to become vegan. So I am interested in your question.

    Given your environment, it may be difficult to become a vegetarian. Also people should not be forced to become vegetarian or vegan by somebody. If you have a strong feeling to oppose animal sacrifice, you will be a vegetarian naturally. You do not have to think whether you should be a vegetarian or not. I think that you should not oppose or deny your father's & boyfriend's job, and you will not be able to do that. In my opinion, your situation is hard to become a vegetarian, but you can just have your policy for animals. If you do not want to eat meat, you can avoid meat. But you should not show your strong feeling against animal sacrifice or policy to your family & boyfriend.

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