
Should i be an electrical engineer?

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I think i want to be an electrical engineer, i love math and computers, and computer programing

and electricity intreasts me. How do i know if i should be one?




  1. It is dangerous,and kan kill.It was great for me.

  2. yes go for it!

  3. Well if your into making tons of money and knowing 100% that once you got that degree you're guaranteed a job then yes you should be one. Also...

    Try to call an electrical engineer and ask to observe what they do for the day. Just let them know that you are interested in furthering your education and if this might be a route for you to take. Shadowing someone is the best way to know if you would love it or hate it.

    Good luck.  

  4. Being an electrical engineer is very vague.  There are a lot of different areas and one of them I am sure you will like.  Here are some that I can think of:  Controls, Hardware, Software, Power, Test, Wiring, Component

  5. If EE interests you should proceed. People are always more successful and happy in following their interests.

    Today there are many distinct divisions in Electrical Engineering. You might want to lean more toward Electronics, which is quite seperate from power generation and distrubution. Even Electronics has specialities, as computers, data communication, solar power, etc

    I worked with computers for 35 years and had a blast, made good money. Good luck!

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