
Should i be angry with my husband?

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My marriage has been c**p for the past 5months, my husband changed jobs and he changed, he works with woman, all of a sudden hes been nasty to me and booking things with these work collegues that he claims are just friends. I found movie tickets he said the girls bought him but he hid them from me, so i started snooping, i found bookings in his diary for parties of these woman , he never told me about the parties. he started his own face book never invited me but added all these woman to his face book, he also tried to look for his ex wife. I kicked him out and im so angry, we have 3 kids, and im scared to do this on my own...please give me your opinions




  1. He's cheating on you, what a dawg!

  2. Yes, you should be angry with your husband! Good job standing up for yourself. We are all scared to start over on our own, especially when children are involved. You'll be okay. I started over with two kids. It was tough at first but I was able to pull it off. You can do it! Good luck to you.

  3. I am so sorry, you poor love.  Your kids are the priority.  Look after them, then meet with hubby to discuss them and the future.  Marriage counselling is a possibility.  If the kids are teenagers it may not be so hard on your own. If it is no good, consider moving back closer to family.  

  4. h**l yeah you should be angry.....the trick is to stay angry and keep the leach from your life....he has put himself first and untill he has learned where his priorities lay....he should not be allowed back....if ever. I am glad to see that you realised this right off the bat and kicked his sorry @ss to the kerb.   Good luck and look after yourself and your children.....make sure that he contributes financially to the full extent of what you are entitled to  :  )

  5. Looks like you have gotten rid of the trash, now you have to work on you and the kids. Make sure he pays you monies towards the children and yes it is always scary when you first start out on your own with the children, but things end up turning out for the best. Do you have a job?, if so then things will be fine and you will realise you can survive without a male.

  6. Well done, if you don't mind me saying you've got some balls! He'll probably come crawling back to you soon, don't have any of it. Good on you. x

  7. yes you did the right thing. Get a divorce...and make sure he pays child support for 3 kids he should pay out the nose! Dont let him say he will help with kids get it in writing in the divorce papers that way if he doesnt pay hiss f***y will go to jail!!

  8. Do not be scared, you don't need husband like him anyway-divorse! Get him aut of your life, you will find someday somebody hwo will deserve you and you will bi happy,and fall. for child support, good luck!

  9. Sounds like your husband isn't  much of one to begin with.  He sounds selfish and single.  He has obviously moved on and left you behind.  I would ask him if he wants a divorce.  If so then you start the process and make sure you get some support from him for the kids.  If not then seek counseling and try and savage this relationship but if you to do stay together he might want to consider changing jobs.  It sounds like he can't handle being around women.

  10. Men only do what we allow them to do.  You did the right thing, in my opinion.  I would of kicked my husband out for that kind of behavior.  I do not play that nor do i tolerate that type of stuff.  Good job and good luck

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