
Should i be best freinds with this girl?

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ok here is the story in 5th grade me and this girl were best freinds and we had so much fun with each other but then in 6th grade we kinda drifted apart everyone in my class doesnt like this girl and i go to a small school and its only 1 class for every grade so all these girls arent like teasing her but she can be a brat sometimes and alot of girls are jealous of her clothes and her looks she is kinda mean to my freinds sometimes but is always nice with me we have so much fun together and she said we should be freinds like we were in 5th grade should i be her freind?




  1. Yes, you should!! She will cherish the friendship a lot since she doesn't have to many friends. Put yourself in her shoes. I was in her place once and kinda a brat myself but I was like this because everyone was like it to me. You should never follow other people. If she's always been nice to you and never gaven you a reason other wise to not be friends. Then stay friends with her.  

  2. Set boundaries - don't avoid her if she's pleasant to be with, but tell her she is embarrassing you when she is mean to others.

    It is quite possible that your friendship is what will keep her from feeling totally isolated and acting worse. But it is not your responsibility to tolerate or become involved with other people's drama, so make it clear to her that "when you do that I can't support you" or "I wish you could just let that go, so we can have a good time".

  3. i cant tell u not to be her friend , but if she is why don't u tell her to stop being such a ***** to everyone else.

  4. wow that same thing happened to me but even the same grade i was the one who ended the friendship i sent her an email telling her how bratty she was and how mean she is to all my friends so in 6th grade we never talked in 7th grade we talked a little and in 8th grade we didnt talk and from then on we never talked again so i wouldnt choose to be her friend again maybe not best friends just like friends like you hang out but not so much

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