
Should i be bleeding like this? [several answers please]

by  |  earlier

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Most of the time after me and my b/f have intercourse I usually bleed a little. Now i know how sometimes a little spotting may occur but nothing to where it seems like i'm on my period. It's not really bad but enough to the point of of which i have to use a tampon. This always happens even if i shouldn't start for another 1-2 weeks! Does this happen to anybody else? (it doesn't hurt or anything like that)




  1. Its not a common feature to bleed everytime after s*x, however what may be occuring is that there are some blood vessels bursting due to either rigourous or rough s*x or because your boyfriend is a little bigger than you can accommodate, so may be causing some cuts or breaking of blood vessels in your v****a.

    Make sure you are fully lubricated and use lubrication to ensure smooth penetration, and a decreased chance of irritating your walls

  2. It isnt normal to bleed like that because of intercourse... dont mean to get personal but are you dry? If so that could be the cause of bleeding. There are many women who can't "get wet enough" and need to go on medication, other form of viagra for women. It could also be caused by certain medications that you may be on as well. meds effect everything about your body. The best thing to do it ask your gyne.

  3. see a gynocologist!

  4. You should go to a doctor.

  5. You really should see a doctor about this. I have never had any bleeding just because of s*x except the first time. I wouldn't imagine that it is normal.

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