
Should i be concerned about this??

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I'm 26 weeks 2 days and my feet have been swollen for 2 months now. They're getting bigger each day and I dont think it's normal for them to be getting bigger overnight. I cut back on my salt intake, I drink lots of water, I elevate my feet, I soak them in warm water, I massage them but nothing is helping. It really hurts to walk on them and they just feel like they're ready to bust. When I push down on them my finger leaves an indentation mark and then they start to tingle a little bit. Is that normal or should I call my doctor? My hands and legs are also swollen. My legs have been swollen for 2 months and my hands have been swollen for a month. My face is fatter but it's not swollen. What could be wrong?

I have a doctor appointment on thursday to take the sugar glucose test. Could I have preeclampsia? At each of my appointments my blood pressure is normal but it's always higher than the last. I've been gaining a lot of weight quickly and it's all in my belly. I have already gained 41 pounds. I was 124 pounds before pregnancy and now I'm 165. I get 2-3 headaches a day and tylenol doesnt help, it just makes me tired. Please help.

I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow.




  1. It's not a big concern but you should still talk to your doctor at the appointment about these issues! there is a chance is could be preeclampsia but unlikely. A lot of women deal with these issues. I am 25 weeks and my feet and hands often get puffy but I also do not have preeclampsia yet! Keep doing what you have been doing and try to relax so that you don't add unneeded stress to your pregnancy! Good luck!

  2. Call your doctor right away!!!  That is not normal!!!

  3. no u shouldnt i know alot of people who face get fat when pregnant..u just gaining weight...nothing too big

  4. I totally know how you feel!!  I had that with my 1st child so bad.  I was retaining the water.  And I ended up having preeclampsia, and they enduced me 10 days early.  Try going on small walks, and don't cut back on water.  Your baby needs that water!!  Try taking a nice warm bath (not hot) just to relax yourself during those times where you feel like your going to pop.  Good luck!!  :)

  5. While some swelling is normal, severe swelling, especially in the face in not normal.  In fact, it is a symptoms of preeclampsia.  I am worried about you.  Other symptoms include, headaches, visual problems and sometimes pain on upper right side. Given the fact that your bp has been on the rise, I think you are at high risk for pre-e. Please call your doc in the morning and report these symptoms.  I would imagine he will want to see you right away and perhaps admit you for 24 hours to monitor blood and urine.  Better safe than sorry!!

    Please call!!!

  6. edema or swelling is normal in pregnancy i have the same thing i am 34wks pregnant...however if you blood pressure is not elevated and your not dizzy or have problems focusing on things an are not having bad headaches...then its not pre-eclampsia...also if you have no protein in your urine then its not pre-eclampsia...just normal swelling but definitly ask your doc...

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