I'm 26 weeks 2 days and my feet have been swollen for 2 months now. They're getting bigger each day and I dont think it's normal for them to be getting bigger overnight. I cut back on my salt intake, I drink lots of water, I elevate my feet, I soak them in warm water, I massage them but nothing is helping. It really hurts to walk on them and they just feel like they're ready to bust. When I push down on them my finger leaves an indentation mark and then they start to tingle a little bit. Is that normal or should I call my doctor? My hands and legs are also swollen. My legs have been swollen for 2 months and my hands have been swollen for a month. My face is fatter but it's not swollen. What could be wrong?
I have a doctor appointment on thursday to take the sugar glucose test. Could I have preeclampsia? At each of my appointments my blood pressure is normal but it's always higher than the last. I've been gaining a lot of weight quickly and it's all in my belly. I have already gained 41 pounds. I was 124 pounds before pregnancy and now I'm 165. I get 2-3 headaches a day and tylenol doesnt help, it just makes me tired. Please help.
I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow.