
Should i be concerned with this girl copying me?

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I met a girl in my class that seems to think we are best friends. she is always calling me to hang out but i'm kind of creeped out by her...

she cut her hair the same way mine is cut and dyed it brown like mine.

I speak french and norwegian and she told me that she is enrolled in french and norwegian classes so that we can speak together. she buys the same clothes as me, takes on my speaking inflections, just happens to be obsessed with the same bands...she is learning keyboard because she found out I play. she is even starting to hang out with my friends, and i dont even know how it happened! its kind of scaring me. should i take it as something to be worried about or just feel complimented that she wants to be like me??




  1. Shes ur wannabes. As long as not going too far like want to have ur bf n bff too,then just take that as compliments. Does celebrities freaked out to see someone willing to do anything to be just like them? They dont. Theyre just keeping it cool as those body guards keeping them safe! :-P

  2. i think she just really admires you!  it is freaky but she probably just doesn't have any social skills...  welcome her in to your group of friends and offer to take her shopping - tell her that "this or that would look really good on you!" and encourage her to be her own person.. that way she will feel accepted and see that her thoughts and feelings as an individual would also be accepted..  i believe this is how you can get her to back off and not be so "like" you.  imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :)

    HOWEVER - if she gets even more creepy I would approach your or her parents on the matter, explain how you tried to help and go from there...  i doubt she is out to get you and i doubt she wants to hurt you but being mean or ignoring her would be more dangerous than trying to help her (if she is indeed psycho)..  good luck!

  3. that's really freaky.

    talk to a school counselor before it gets too out of hand.

    you might not want to tell her off, she may have some sort of disorder.

    but do tell her to stop talking to you, as nice as you can. but with some meanness to it.

    theres really no right or wrong way to handle it. talk to a school teacher or counselor.

  4. tell her u want some space and ur own friends. then tell her to do things she wants and b her self instead of being like you.  

  5. i really don't like it when people copy me, so i understand completely. i'm not gonna be all "copying is the sincerest form of flattery" on you...probably she is really insecure and thinks that youre really cool or whatever, so she is trying to be a lot like you...just be like i like being friends with you but i like it if youd stop copying me

  6. She admires you, and is trying to be like you. Im sure you have a lot more friends than she does, and she just wants to fit in. So she thinks that by doing the same things you do, that you and her will become better friends. She probably jsut thinks you are really cool, and wants to hang out with you. You should get together with her sometime, and she how she acts than. I mean if you get the wierd psycho vibe from her, then ya, you can start backing off, and tell your friends about what you think and that they shouldnt hang out with her. But you never know.. she might be really cool, and is just trying to find a way to fit in with you and your friends... also.. she might think you guys are like best friends.. i kno i would try to get into the same classes as my friends so we could have things in common...

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