
Should i be embarrassed to have an IEP?

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well, i hate that i have an IEP, like i dont understand why i have it, my grades are good and im not retarded...

i just think its so imbarassing i wish i didnt have it :(




  1. Maybe you needed it when you were younger, but it should be looked at and reviewed. Have your parent explain to you why they still want you to have one. It doesn't have anything to do with being retarded, slow or stupid, it has to do with a certain difficulty you had or still have that needed more attention. Also, it can help with SAT testing in the long term if you will need extra time to complete tests or a computer to help during testing. You would be surprised how many kids have IEP or 504 plans. It is fairly common.

  2. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is for many different types of students.  You can be very bright and have good grades and still have one.  It has to be approved for you by your school personnel and your parents.  An IEP will get you specialized assistance where you need it.  For example, if you are less distracted and learn better in small groups your IEP may have you taken out of the classroom to do work in small groups.  If you need more time to take standardized tests to get you even higher grades, you IEP will give school personnel permission to give you more time to take these tests.  I would suggest you ask your parents what your IEP is supposed to do to help you since it could be for many, many different reasons.  An IEP is a good thing to help the student.

  3. Having a IEP is NOT a bad thing!!! Actually, it is a great thing b'cus you get to get extra help with all of your subjects and that can make it really easy for you. IEP's has their advantages as well as their disadvantages. No matter what the reason is for you having it, I want to encourage you to keep your head up and don't look down on yourself.You can do anything that you set your mind to and if you keep God first in your life He can and will take you higher than an IEP ever can. So you do ALL that you can to maintain good grades and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. That is what your teachers, principals, and school administrative are there HELP YOU!!!!!  Stay positive and never give up!!! Be blessed!

  4. Just because someone has an IEP does not make them retarded.  Read your IEP and if you don't understand it ask your mother or counselor to explain it to you.  It is in place for a reason, as an IEP is not an easy thing to get!

  5. my son has an iep in place because of a social anxiety not because of intelligence and he is going to college next year-he just is not a typical teen-he is much more mature and responsible-there is nothing to be ashamed of-everyone learns differently and they should be accommodated to make sure they can complete school successfully-the only disability he has is an auditory-processing disorder so a noisy classroom is not the best environment for him

  6. I have two kids that are not retarded, but needed IEPs in school to keep their grades up and address their learning differences. My daughter got extra help with just focusing, she had an aide to direct her attention to the teacher. My son had help with just being organized and turning work in.

    WHy would it be embarrassing? How would anyone else know unless you told them?

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