
Should i be glad to get braces or not?

by Guest33905  |  earlier

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should i be glad to go to the orthodontist's office and get braces or not my friends say they hurt and all but like everyone has them now and they do help your mouth and do they hurt as much as everyone says. rate on a scale of 1-10, 1 being least ,10 being most






  2. on a scale of 1-10...

    in the beginning- 8! they hurt like h**l. just eat soft foods and take aspirin.

    after tht: 1. after a couple weeks they dont even feel like tehy're in yur mouth.

    good luck! just remember, later in life you'll really want straight teeth. you'll be glad you did it.

  3. You should be so glad! If you are lucky enough to afford braces you should thank your lucky stars.

    In my experience, they hurt the first week or so. The first two days were about unbearable, popping as much Advil as possible and eating soup and pudding. After that it was just moderate pain, then none at all.

    Each tightening appointment will hurt for maybe 1-2 days.

    The pain is totally worth it to have a beautiful smile!! The day you get your braces off you will realize how great they really are! A pretty smile can get you far in life.

    My tips:

    * If your parents allow you to, then take Advil BEFORE you get your braces put on, about 45 minutes before the appointment.

    * Brush your teeth in the morning, after lunch at school, and at night. Floss and use mouthwash at night. Flossing takes a while when you have braces but it is absolutely necessary!

    * Do what your ortho says: avoid hard and sticky foods! Breaking your braces = more pain AND having them on longer. I had to have mine three extra months because I broke a bracket on a peanut granola bar. * Always keep a little braces brush in your pocket in case food gets stuck.

    * If you eventually have to wear rubber bands, then WEAR THEM. Don't skip a day. Ever. The more you wear them, the sooner you get them off!

  4. You should be glad too get braces because you will get a perfect smile. Even tho they hurt at first its always worth it in the end like they say NO PAIN NO GAIN.

    Good luck!

  5. yes u should no ur teeth are going to be straight

    so its soo much better (:

    im getting my off in 2 weeks

  6. 10 Because as soon as you get the braces off your teeth will be like brand new!

  7. i would give it a 9 because in the beginning it feels weird since your teeth are a lot smoother but after about 3 days u get use to your new brace-less teeth. when they are busy taking them off just try not to think about it so it will not hurt as much. thats what i did and i didnt really feel it..... you are going to be sooooooooooo happy when they are off.!! :-D

  8. a 2<-- barely hurts :) dont worry.

    and be glad to have braces,, i just got them.

    because alot of other people probly need braces more than you do

    and youre lucky enough to afford and get them.

    in the end,, with good brushing, youll have beautiful and finally straight teeth :)

  9. well i just got braces yesterday so i know. You should get them cause in the long run they do make you have a beautiful smile. Yesterday the pain was like a 7 after i got the braces. During them putting them on it was like a 1 if that, it doesn't hurt. When i woke up today it was like 9.9999999, i don't want to say ten cause i don't even want to know what that feels like. But after i took some pain medicine it felt so much better, now it's like a 3. You should definitely get them its the right time cause everyone has them.

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