
Should i be homeschooled?

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I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm considering home schooling because I feel like i can work at my own pace, it's more flexible, etc.. but my high school doesn't really support it. The administrators' main concern is that i won't have a social life... but i can always find ways to hang out with my friends, right? And i dont have to feel like the work in school is too slow or too fast because i'll be working at my own pace. And is taking the GED looked down upon??




  1. I was homeschooled for only one year, so I have experience in both that and public school. Your administrator is right. Your social life sucks when you're homeschooled. Just think about it. You probably talk to your friends all day in school and catch up at lunch ect (like I did). You can't do that in homeschool. It gets pretty lonely. I drifted apart from my friends. A GED is looked down upon, but not as much as no degree at all. I suggest you stay in.

  2. Allied National High School will give you your high school daploma insted of a GED and you can do your work online and its really easy. Im in the same grade and i do that and i used to go to school and i still keep a social life.

  3. OF course the administration doesn't want you to quit, he'll lose a couple of thousand dollars. ultimately that's what you are to public school, a number and money.

    I can tell you that my kids are homeschooled and Glurpy is right, socialization is what you make it. People who sit around and wait to be fed friendships aren't going to have them, you have to go and meet people. My kids have dozens of friends, from different things.

    The GED is unnecessary if you are homeschooling. homeschooled children get diplomas the same way public schooled kids do, from their teachers. If your mom is your teacher she'll give you a diploma. But more important is your transcript. Look at the admissions page for any university. Not ONE of them says they need your diploma, they all say TRANSCRIPT, SAT SCORES AND REFERENCES.  Seriously, look at it.

  4. The administrators don't like it because they will lose state and federal funding for yur body not being in that seat anymore!

    The American HS Diploma is a joke in the world's eye.  One NY grad I know thought Denmark was a city.

  5. You can still see your friends whenever you want. I;m homeschooled too. The only thing is you have to make sure they're out of school blah blah blah. A lot of school districts will let home schoolers participate in sports band drivers ed etc. sometime you have to pay a little money but not much. As for tests like SATs and all that you can do that if youre homeschooled too. Actually you can CLEP out of a bunch of the first year or so classes (like the boring stuff english math...) And yes you can work at your own pace. Just as long as your pace is fast enough to get your school done in time for summer. You have to have a minimum of 180 school days per shool year. And tell your school administrators that its your life and your education so leave you alone.

    Hope this helps!

  6. ***** no, I was homeschooled till 7th grade and school is so much better.  I'm now in high school and am slightly angry my parents deprived me of school.

  7. It is better to get a high school diploma. Anyone can pass the GED and employers know this. High school also demands a certain amount of self discipline. It is good to have people there driving you forward, and if you plan on just sitting at home and reading text books... we both know you wont if it's not required of you.

    Be realistic. Get a high school diploma and do something you'll be proud of. The path of least resistance makes rivers and people crooked.

  8. My brother was home schooled and he did work at his own pace but he lost a few friends along the way that he still hasn't met with since!

  9. no home schooling is only for rich people I'm not saying where poor but if Ur like hanamontana she has to be home schooled think about it hana going to public school weird?

  10. I can't really tell you whether or not you should be homeschooled. That is a decision that you and your parents have to make.

    I can tell you that what the faculty and administration at your school thinks does not count. This is again a decision that should be made by you and your parents.

    You need to ask yourself:

    1.  Do you have the self discipline to do most of your work on your own? Depending upon the amount of time your parents have, you may have to do most of the work by yourself.


    2.   Are your parents prepared to supervise your schooling directly. Even if you are working on your own, someone needs to make sure it is getting done.

    3.   How much effort are you willing to put in in order to find opportunities to interact with others? You have more time to spend interacting when you homeschool, but it takes more effort.

    I would suggest that you and your parents find a local homeschooling group and talk to them. They will be able to tell you more about homeschooling in your area.

    You don't actually need to worry about getting your GED since your parents can issue a diploma to you. Most colleges and Universities will accept it as will employers. If you do an online high school program they will usually issue you a diploma when you finish the program.

  11. OK please take this from personal experiences I have home school my entire life exept 4 second grade ninth grade and this year(I'm in tenth also by the way) yea your counselers r right u wont have a social life the GED probably wont help at all k if that dosnt help check this out my 18 year old cousin home schooled all her life and yea guess what Wal-mart wont even keep her yea and guess what shes known people there since before she started plus you will get so used to working by yourself that you will get so shy no joke. if Ur friends where really friends they will support u so yea

    good luck!!

  12. I'm a sophomore as well; I would say stay in school and get your high school degree because it says that you basically sat through class for 12 years and were smart enough to pass. If you plan on going to a college, I would definitely stay in school. It's only two more years! If you’re smart enough to take AP classes (like me) than you can get some college credit as well for something like $80 per class rather than $1000 or more per class. Since I'm in the process of starting my own business, if I had to hire one person and one had a GED and one has a high school degree, I would hire the one with high school degree because that shows me that they can follow out with something.


  13. It all depends on what you and your parents agree to so we have several children the area who are homeschooled and they are doing fine.

  14. I would recommend it.

    Of course, GED's might be looked down upon, but you will be more likely to be an employer at a young age instead of an employee because of your vastly superior knowledge and abilities.

  15. Taking the GED is basically saying, I got my high school diploma in the lowest way possible. Home schooling has its benefits and all, however, the issue would be that your friends might not have time to hang out with you. They may have a project to do, they'd be in school for at least 6 hours, they might have an extracurricular activity going on afterschool, or they need to study for a subject your home school lessons aren't covering. So it can kill your social life, or hinder it, but at least you get to work at your own pace. =_=

  16. Your school's opinion should have nothing to do with whether or not you homeschool.

    If you are going to stick with homeschooling until the end of high school and will explore possible activities, homeschooling groups, etc., to meet your social needs, then I say go for it. Just hanging out with your friends when they're available might not be enough. Plus you'll have a full day each and every day to fill up! It won't take you that long to do your work (unless you dawdle). There's also just so much to do out and about that it'd be a shame to keep yourself inside while your friends are at school. You already sound ready to work and go your own pace, so that's good.

    You don't need a GED and I wouldn't recommend it because there is still a stigma tied to it. If you are going to do homeschooling under your state laws, your parents can probably give you a diploma.

    ADDED: I just read the other responses. There's no need for your social life to "suck" while homeschooling! Homeschooling is what you make of it so those who found their social lives sucked had nobody to blame but themselves for not doing social things. I know a number of homeschooled teens who have very active social lives--during the day when everybody else is sitting at their little desks at school. There are clubs and field trips and regular homeschool group activities and more. You've just got to decide that you'll do stuff. Also, since you'll have more free time if you focus on getting your work done in the morning, you can go out in the afternoon and volunteer, work or do other things. Not to mention you won't have homework so you can participate in sports, lessons, community things offered. There's a whole world out there to do things in!

  17. Taking the GED will be better than no diploma, but unfortunately many employers look at them as "drop out" degrees which isn't always the case.....  I do feel that staying in school is a major benefit to you.  Socialization is a big issue and is a vital part of your personal growth and maturity.  Many people support the opportunity to work at their own pace, but the reality is that when you enter the workplace and develop your career, you cannot work at your own pace.  There are pressures and deadlines in the work force that school will prepare you for.

  18. this is your PARENTS decision for you to be homeschooled and NOT the schools decision.

    THey are trying to talk you out of it because they know they will lose money if you leave.

    It's all about the money.

    Since when does the school care if you have a social life?? You are suppose to be there to LEARN.

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