
Should i be worried about my son??

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he's 5 and starting kindergarten next week and he still doesn't draw or color well. he just has no interest in doing it. it doesn't matter how much i try and get him to color or draw. he just doesn't want to do it. i see other kids his age and they seem more advanced in that way then him. in other ways though he is advanced. he reads now and he is great with the other things needed for kindergarten. its just the drawing and the coloring that sorta worries me.

what do you guys think??




  1. Kids develop at different rates. I wouldn't worry. If he reads already I wouldn't worry at all. Sometimes kids, especially boys, find it an effort to hold a crayon or pencil properly and do their work.

  2. I wouldn't be too worried. Not every kid is artistic, and as long as he has other areas that he excels in, he'll be okay.

    However, you may want to check him for being color-blind. I only say this because men are much more likely to get it than women.

    Other than that, he seems fine to me. Perhaps try to encourage him to practice the skills he is good in instead of something that may just frustrate him. :3

  3. I wouldn't worry about it. He'll learn on his own time. If it is just that he isn't interested in coloring or drawing then I wouldn't worry. But if he has a problem, like he can't color or hold a pencil then I would explain this to the teacher who maybe could get him OT to help him until he's up to the other children's level.  

  4. let the teacher take care of it lol =D

  5. I wouldn't be worried and hopefully he will have an understanding Teacher. Some kids just aren't interested in the arts.  

  6. every person has diffrent talents and skills your son likes words and not pictures teach him to develope that skill teach him to paint pictures with his words.

  7. That's OK...not all kids like to color and not everyone does it well.  It's not that really important.

  8. If he can read and likes doing other things like a lot of kids his age then he's probably OK....  Maybe coloring is just boring to him.  Or he could color a lot in school and doesn't want to do it again at home.  Or maybe he's a perfectionist like the kid I babysit and gets annoyed if he can't stay inside the lines....  Keep an eye on him but let him do his own thing.  Not all kids like doing the same things as other kids do.  

  9. I think he'll be fine...maybe it's just not his thing!!

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