
Should i be worried about skin cancer.?

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I have recently discovered surfing, I have got mildy burnt when i was younger but not very often, my main surfing hours are after 5:00pm EST Australia daylight savings time, when if the surf is good, but on the weekeends it would be during the day, i have recently discovered some things about uva and uvb rays yes i used sunscreen when surfing but not all areas of my back are covered in it, i have found what skin type i am it is type 4 skin, i have tanned pretty darkly during the last summer, and have been surfing for about 8months now, could i get skin cancer now at the age of 20.




  1. Instead of giving you a list of how to keep safe because that's not what you asked for, i'm just going to come straight out with it.

    You will not have skin cancer just yet because you said you surf past 5 and you use sunscreen which is good. Therefore you will not catch it just yet.  

  2. Well done being sensible.

    Watch what the champions wear - wet suits which cover them from top to bottom.  They cover their faces with SPF 50+ and also use a sun block, particularly on noses!

    And watch your skin, and get a friend to look at your back.  Watch out for changes, moles, large spots, anything that looks red and puffy, etc.

    Skin cancer is treatable, as long as you catch it early.

    Have fun and look for more information on websites - where medics. can give you better advice.

    Verite R  

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