
Should i be worried if my Fiance hangs out with another guy?

by  |  earlier

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My fiance and I were talking last night like we always do. When all of a sudden the line clicks, I txt her and she said the line must have died, but as I txted her to see what her plans were for the night, after she didnt respond for an hour i started getting worried thinking something happend to her, i sent her another txt about an hour later asking if she was ok, still i received no answer so i decided to go to bed. At around 1 in the morning she decides to call me. She tells me that she was hanging out and i find out it was with another guy. and she had been ignoring me because she thought i would be upset. When i told her how i felt she got mad at me, i didnt get mad at her i just told her that it hurt my feelings she would keeps secrets from me. and she wont talk to me today. did I do anything wrong?




  1. You should try to talk things over with her. She is overly secretive as she does not want to admit that she is the one at fault. You are not to blame. Let her understand that you are the person she is going to be with for her whole life, and you should be able to be open about your feelings.

  2. Yes you did something wrong:  You forgot to ask for the ring back.

    Let's look at the facts.  She was talking to you, and then just hung up on you.  Then she leaves you hanging for a few hours.  Then she calls you back at 1am and tells you that she was deliberately ignoring you.  Then she says she is just 'hanging out' with some guy.

    Then when you tried to explain how this made you feel she got mad and decided to give you the silent treatment.

    Seriously?  What the heck?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with a girl having guy friends, but staying with them until late, and deliberately ignoring her fiance because she knows you will get mad?!? Sorry but she is totally out of line.

    I couldn't marry a person with so little regard for my feelings, and someone who thought this kind of behavior was okay.  Sounds like a doomed relationship, and it is better to call it off now than in divorce court.


  3. Well, lets see.You forgot to say if you are a jealous person or not. Two sides of the coin:

    My best friends are all guys, I dated a man that, even though he hung out with these guys, and knows that never in my right mind, drunk mind, or any other frame of mind would ever allow anything to happen, he still wouldn't "allow" me to hang out with them by myself, and I ended up lying and hanging up and all that jazz as well. Needless to say, I am no longer with him and am with a man that recognizes my relationships with my guy friends, as just, well, friends, and sometimes I play wingman for them.

    Other side:

    She just maybe wanted to test the whole "Is he right for me?" waters. It actually happens a lot more then you think. Maybe she wanted a last hurrah, or maybe she is seriously doubting your relationship.

    Either way, leave her be, and when she is ready to talk to you, she will call. Don't yell, don't scream, see her in person and talk. If she did cheat and regrets it, she will let you know. Whether or not you take her back, is YOUR decision. No one else can tell you if it is right or not, just offer an opinion. As for possible cheating in the future and divorce rate and all that jazz, more then 30% cheat while married. You are playing the odds, anyway.

  4. no,i don't think but look at to your self and find the answer if you hang another girl,is it normal for you!

    good day!

  5. no you didnt, its understandable you were worried and your fiance shouldn't have done that. if she told you she was hanging with another guy, then at least she was honest. she might be mad because she thought you didn't trust her. Instead of trying to not make you upset, she should rather talk about her feelings. you won't have a good marriage unless you can openly talk to each other about this kind of thing.  

  6. It doesn't sound so good to me.

    Secrets now = bigger secrets later. You should be worried.

    Why does she need to hang out with a non-relative guy when she has you?

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