
Should i be worried please answer period question girls only please! ?

by Guest58982  |  earlier

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Ok so today when i looked at my panties i saw little tiny things or blood they weren't even bigger then a dime like as small as a crumb please tell me should i be worried?

please tell PLEASE! AND I GETTING MY PERIOD SOON! and i have been getting discharge i am turning 11 in november.




  1. All girls develope at different times. You are completely normal for having your period right now. You do need to however talk to your mom or a close female figure that has been through this before. All girls need some support:) and those are blood blots which are common and normal too. do not worry about it and try pad before tampons so you get used to it. And also dont fret about spotting here and there.

  2. Use spell check and some punctuation and I may be able to understand the question so I can help you.

  3. I would think it would be your period. If it was kind of gooey then ya and also dont be worried, just ask a parent. Have you ever had your period yet? I was a little older than you when i started getting mine it was awful because it was the first day of 7th grade and it started. well anyway i hope this helped.

  4. yes sweetie :)

    i got mine when i was 11 in 6th grade .

    i'll never forget going to the bathroom at lunch and blood everywhere and it bled through my khaki pants .

    i told my best friend who had hers a few months earlier and i called my mom in the bathroom .

    i was mortified.


    just tell your mom about this.

    its simple discharge, but have her take you to walgreens and pick up pads and OR tampons, when your ready for that level and panty liners for light days and regular discharge :]


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