
Should i become a canadian instead of being american?

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well you see the war in iraq i disagree with and i want to become a canadian so if there is a draft in the states i can just move to my new state with a new idenity




  1. Canada sounds like just your speed

  2. If you want to become a Canadian, you have to commit to Canada, not use them as your "back up" plan.  You also have to be of some benefit for them.  Canada isn't a "scam" for your convenience.  It's a nation of people. Even talking about using it in that manner is awfully disrespectful to our Canadian neighbors.  If you want to become a Canadian national, ask their permission for an immigration visa and give them your allegiance.  Don't be a manipulative user.

  3. Yes, you should become a Canadian.



  4. Lori K is correct. You cannot move to a new place based on the fact you don't happen to like the current policies of your country of origin.

    This kind of thinking which leads you to say: "i can just move to my new state" is ludicrous.Canada doesn't have states.

    The only way a draft would be reinstated would be if McCain won.

  5. Tyranny is everywhere.

  6. Skilled worker qualifications to emigrate to Canada. If you do not meet ALL these requirements, then you cannot emigrate.

    You need to have at least 1 years work experience in your chosen field before you can apply. 4 years is better - gives you more points.

    You must meet the following minimum requirements to apply as a skilled worker:

    You have at least one continuous year of full-time, paid work experience or the equivalent in part-time continuous employment. Your work experience must be Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC).

    You must have had this experience within the last 10 years. NOC list

    assessment test - you must get 67 points to qualify.

    application processing times in Skilled worker category

    Currently taking 2 years from USA. And then after you are admitted to Canada, you MUST live in Canada for 3 years before you can apply to be a citizen. That is currently taking about 12 months to be processed, so altogether it takes you 6 years to legally become a Canadian citizen.

    You will need at least $10,000 saved up - before you apply as you will be required to show this proof that you have this money when you apply.

    Also if you are in the military, you are allowed to go AWOL. BUT you cannot run to Canada and apply for refugee status. Several american soldiers have already tried this cowardly method and have been denied. They are being deported back to USA.

  7. if you don't want to be drafted then yes, by all means move your lovely little self to Canada.

    Because if you do not want to be drafted, you are not an American anyway.

    And darlin' here's your sign.


  8. Bye-Bye

  9. You're not going to be drafted. If you disagree with the policies of the United States work to change them -- you're a citizen, that's how it works.

  10. Does Canada want you?  Around a million people want to move to Canada - what makes you stand out?  Disagreeing with the Iraq war doesn't count - that's about 200 million US citizens near as I can figure.

    By the way you don't get a new identity, Canada isn't some witness protection program.

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