
Should i become an officer?

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i am a medic in the del national guard right now. there is a state OCS program. should i go?




  1. How about you be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you are officer material..

    Many assume that because of a degree that this will entitle them to become officers..

    Not everyone is officer material the same way not everyone is cut out for the military..

    Only you know if you should or not.

  2. Don't do the state OCS program, go federal!!!!!!!!  I have friends that have done the state OCS and it sucks.  Just do the 12 week federal OCS program and get it over with instead of dragging it out with state.

  3. One of my former brigade commanders told us this once.

    ~When he was enlisted in the 1970's he was thinking about OCS.  He decided to ask his platoon sergeant about it.  During this time, the Army was broke after Vietnam and transitioning from a drafted Army to a volunteer Army.  He said a lot of the NCOs were drunk, and most of the enlisted were high.  His Platoon Sergeant was drunk when he asked, but sobered up fast with his question.  His Platoon Sergeant was a three tour vet of Vietnam.  He said three times, his platoon was pinned down, and the men were refusing to go over the d**e of the rice paddy.  The Lieutenant had to lead the charge of the d**e each time.  All three were killed.  He looked back at my Brigade Commander and told him, "NCO's teach Soldiers to shoot, eat, sh**, march, and live.  Officers have to be willing to teach Soldiers how to die."~

    Do not do it for the money, or the job.  You become an officer for the men and women who serve under you.

  4. Yes. You should. It will give you great opportunities for leadership. It is a smart career move and will be a challenge! GL.  

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