
Should i become veg*n?

by Guest56076  |  earlier

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i need to become a better person and helthier but meat is just to hard to give up.




  1. No you shouldn't become a vegetarian. Giving up meats does not make you a better person. If its for the health reasons, then go with lean meat and try cooking it other ways thats better for you like broiled or baked. If everyone stopped eating meat then we would all be over ran by too many animals roaming this planet.

  2. of course it can be hard

    but i think its a good idea

    no one can ever let go of something they've been used to, but you have to try your best to do it



  4. Being a vegan will make yourself feel a whole lot better about yourself. ( because your reducing suffering)

    It took me about 3 months total to take out all the meat in my diet  . Its been about 9 months now and I haven't had a craving for meat since. Its really hard but keep trying and you will get there.

    Trust me it seems impossible when you first attempt it but keep trying.

  5. Yes. I support this decision of yours. I am also a new and struggling vegetarian. If you want more of a motivation towards becoming a vegetarian go to

    Also, if you are having trouble giving up meat, you can always try alternatives. That website offers many different vegetarian recipes that are both healthy and delicious.

    Don't listen to anyone who can't back up their argument. It is PROVEN that vegetarians are healthier people, AND it is PROVEN that the earth WILL be a better place when there are more vegetarians. It explains it all in that website.

    After watching the videos about animal cruelty and after crying my heart out :(. I decided to make the choice. And its one of the better choices I've made in a while!

    Best of luck to you!

  6. Don't worry about the animals. Your health is more important. The wisdom is: everything is good in moderation. Just avoid junk food and eat organic. Organic meats are expensive, so it will help you reducing amount of meat you buy.

  7. Your not gona get healthier!

    So no, dont do that. Meat is good for you.

  8. The people who said that becoming a Vegan will not make you healthier have obviously never read a l**k of research regarding the best possible nutrition for humans.  The Vegan diet is highly regarded as the healthiest, most pure, diet one can eat.  You do NOT need can get everything you need from plant matter.  

    I am a Vegan and since I started, I not only lost weight and have AMAZING energy, my health problems literally disappeared.  Ask any Vegan...they'll tell you the same.  And meat is not hard to give up now that there are so many tasty alternatives, like Gardenburger's "Riblets" and Morningstar Farms "Chik'n Strips."  Oh, and's delicious!

    Frequently Asked Question:

    Aren't we made to eat animals?



    We don’t have claws for flesh-ripping: Our flexible fingers are made to pluck pears and pick potatoes. Our so-called “canine” teeth are puny compared to those of true carnivores like tigers and wolves, better for biting into strawberries than into sinews.

    Our “inside plumbing,” which includes a super-long, winding digestive tract, is designed for slowly breaking down veggies, fruits, and grains. (Carnivores have a short, straight digestive tract in order to get the meat through quickly, before it does any damage.)

    It’s because humans aren’t designed to eat meat that many chicken chompers and burger lovers end up suffering from heart disease, cancer, and other ailments.

    Your body is like a car — it needs the right fuel to keep it running smoothly, and for people, the right fuel comes from plants.

    If a person poured Pepsi into a Pontiac’s engine, they’d have to have their car towed. No wonder so many people who try to fuel themselves with meat end up in “the shop.”

  9. No, why would becoming a vegan make you a better person?  In fact, why would it makes you healthier?  Human beings are omnivores.  We are designed to eat meat and vegetable matter.  Without meat in your diet, you would be lacking certain vitamins, fats, and proteins.
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