
Should i belive this message..? these meesages which i got by email..?

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POWERBALL LOTTO -wheel E-game 2008

Cumberland House 80 Scrubs Lane

London NW10 6RF

United Kingdom.

Date: 11th July 2008

Ref Nr: PBL/CN/6654/CP

Dear Consolation Prize Winner

We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer

balloting sweepstake held on the 11th July 2008 Your email ID identified

with coupon No.PBL2348974321.

You have been approved for the star prize of 63,000:00 (Sixty Three

Thousand Great British Pounds).Please contact the due process unite

officer DPU Mr William Simon.




  1. No   and watch out for virus opening this kind of mail

  2. Never Believe in such mails, they are false trying to con you, if you proceed, you may land into trouble, money never comes for free , it Has to be Earned, Easy money is always suspicious.....

  3. no! it's most likely a scam.

  4. when you contact them, they\'ll tell you a whole load of story and ask you to transfer them money for processing fee and whatever else fee.

    after you transfer them the money, you wont hear from them again.

    then, they won the lottery.. and you were the generous donor.

  5. Beware of this.  This is a fraud, and a common one.  They ask you to contact them, then they ask you for money.

    The addresses are fake, and so are the names.

    These emails are sent out to millions of people every day.  A few will respond to it.  They are asked to pay money to 'process' the win.  After paying the not-insubstantial sum of money, they are asked to provide their bank details.  Then their bank is robbed of all it's money and the people responsible cannot be traced.

    Please report the email as spam, delete it and do the same with and similar future emails.

    Remember, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.

  6. Why do you even need to ask?

    I'm not omnipotent but my prediction is as follows:

    You will contact Mr Simon and he will assure you that it is all genuine and all you need to do is send some money, normally 400 - 800 pounds to some offshore bank account, just to support costs around 'drawing up the contract' or 'ensuring the money transfer' or whatever.

    You'll send the money and that's the last you'll hear of Mr Simon or his Lotto.

    Spam only works because a % of people are dumb enough to actually think these things may be true. Please don't be one of them and maybe one day we'll all regain control of our in-boxes.

    Don't even give them the satisfaction of a reply.

  7. DO NOT TRUST IT... it is a SCAM.

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