
Should i break up with my boyfriend cause we havnt got married yet or wedding plans?

by  |  earlier

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we been together for 17 months out those 12 month he ask me every month i ask yes but have not plan anything or havnt made the first move he ask for my ring side but the money not problem cause he in the army what should i do




  1. ask if hes serious.  ask about starting to plan.

    If he wont do soemthing to show its for real the being together may need to be thought over!

  2. You are making no sense.

  3. He's asked for your ring size...GIVE IT TO HIM. If he buys you a ring then that's a pretty good sign that he wants to be engaged and (hopefully) eventually marry you.  When / if that happens  you can both agree upon a wedding date and you can start wedding planning

  4. What??

  5. 5 months into the relationship he was proposing?

    What the?

    He wants your ring size, I think? Then give it to him seeing as I think you say money is no problem.

    I don't understand. He proposed, you wants your ring size. Seems like he is trying to do some sort of weddingish things.


  6. You've only been together for 17 months. That's 1 year, 5 months.   Not enough time has gone by for any red flags to be raised because you haven't discussed getting married.

    Wait.....if this is an issue in 1-2 years, then think about this.

  7. What's the urgency? You should wait to get married when both of you are ready. Cherish the moments you have with him. He's more important than a wedding day.

  8. I'm sorry, but your details make no sense at all. If you don't know English very well, perhaps you should get someone who does to type for you so that we can help.

  9. You need to learn how to type so people can understand you question, It doesn't really make sense. What I gather is you are contemplating dumping your boyfriend because your not married yet?? You've only been together for a Year and 5 months. What is your rush? It doesn't sound like you are even commited to the relationship. From the way that you worded your question it sounds to me like you are very immature and not ready to get married.

  10. If you are considering breaking up with him after 17 months because you havent planned a wedding yet during such a young relationship, yes break up. Sounds like you want a wedding more than you want your boyfriend. Youre suppose to want him first.

    Maybe you are pushing too much for it and he isnt ready to marry some chick he's only been with for just over a year. Being so demanding IS a turn off for a lot of guys.

  11. This question makes no sense. If you two can't get passed the proposal, you aren't mature enough to get married.

  12. If it is a big deal to you, then perhaps you should break up.  You haven't been together long, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

    He's in the army.  Is he deployed?  Does he ask you every month through an email or phone or what?

    It really is better if you do not expect major wedding plans this early in the relationship.

  13. i think you need to learn english first. perhaps that's why he isn't making any more moves towards marrying you.

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