
Should i burn a ghost's remains?

by  |  earlier

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this lady in the 1800s was burned to death by a angry mob of males because she killed a girl and was accused of being a witch. my grandma's house was built on top of the remains... she hasnt bother us girls but my cuzins came in for the weekend and things been happening....they found the remains in the basement and removed it....but they wanna burn it cuz hey think it would get rid of this a good idea?? wat should they do instead? p.s...she hates males!!




  1. i obviously see that most of the people are mocking you, and i really dont know how much of this is true, but i will answer as best as i, here goes...

    well, the lady was burned, which would probably make her angry, therefore, that is probably not the best way to go about this. if the strange things that have been happening are bad, then in my opinion, if the situation cannot be avoided, i would find a peacefull place and dig a hold, and bury the remains. just to be kind, maybe even say a few words, just to help her maybe 'move along'.

  2. You should bury her remains in dirt so she will not wander in the spirit realm anymore.

  3. Wow, this EXACT thing happened to me last Tuesday!  Then, I went and took a shower, and when I got out the word "Boo" had been written on the fogged over mirror!!  I was staring at that when the phone rang, and when I one was there!!!  =O  I grabbed a knife, because you know, that helps against a ghost.  Only it didn't, and she killed me.  Now MY ghost is writing this.  Bwahahaha.

    Ok, yeah, so you need to stop watching so many scary movies until you can stop pretending that you are in one.

  4. If you are telling the truth, then I'd say no. You say it's a ghost right? If so, then burning the remains would confuse and anger her. She would probably wander around where her remains used to be. Let us recount what's there now... Oh yeah! YOUR HOUSE!! No, I think that the best thing to do would be to give her a nice burial. I still don't buy your story though.( ;

  5. I would probably say burning her again would just anger her and not get rid of her. Maybe try communicating with her with like one of those weegy board thingos and also get a cmera to record it. And if she is bothering you get a priest to perform an exorcism or something.

  6. umm. I thought it was built on her remains?0-o

    Well...I'll pretend this is real..... are the things that are happening bad?

    Put yourself in her place, would you want to be burnt like in your life-time, or properly buried?


  7. Wait! Are you saying that you found burnt remains that are nearly two hundred years old. HA! Yeah right. Good story lady!

  8. First off if you burned the remains of the dead then you can create even more problem for yourself... So just leave well enough alone ok.... And you can not blame a spirit ror hating someone that burned her alive.... So you can make things worst ... So sit back and just leave that spirit alone...................

  9. wow so people have been mocking your question alot instead of answering it eh? well i dunno how much of your question is correct but I'm gonna answer anyway. in my opinion burning her remains when she died from being burnt would be the worse thing you could do- obviously fire scares and angers her- look at the match incident! so that would be a bad way to get rid of her. if ghosts don't bother me a usually leave them be and my guess is that she was lashing out at the flame not the boy unless other things happened to him. if it gets more serious you can do a banishing and cleansing of the space and i can give you advice for that but other wise just leave her be. have her remains been handed over to her decedents or any proper authorities? that would be much better than burning them. were not in Supernatural or Buffy :P Blessed Be

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