
Should i butt into my friend's situation?

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one of my good friends has a boyfriend in the army. she tells me she misses him like crazy. she worries about him when he doesn't talk to her for days. she knows hes under stress but i don't think she understands why he can't at least tell her whats up and he still loves her. i know at least a little something from him would help. she's always down when i talk to her. or people are irritating her a lot easier. she's talked about cutting herself, giving up on everything, running away. hes not overseas either. but she can't really travel to his base because of money. i'm sure other people would like to do the same. i want to voice my concern about her to her boyfriend. i guess i would write him a message since he checks his myspace sometimes though his phone. should i butt in?




  1. yes, you don't want your friend to hurt herself

  2. Look if your friend has a b/f who is old enough to be in the services even if he isn't overseas she should be mature enough to know that he has an extremely busy and important job to do He certainly isn't in any danger.. She should not be worrying or whining about the fact that he is not writing her or calling her every day. The very fact she is talking about cutting herself, running away etc shows how very very immature she is.Not to mention selfish.She is not ready for a committed relationship of any kind. Real women do not behave like this. Do you think your grandmothers and great grandmothers sat around whinging and crying while their b/f or husbands were overseas fighting and maybe dying for years at a stretch during WWII, Korea or Viet Nam. If she was my friend I would tell her if she really loved this guy she would get a backbone get off her butt and trust this guy. She should also do her best to support the troops that are here and overseas instead of complaining and whining about her own petty insecurities. Maybe she should volunteer for service and see how much time she has to spend phoning emailing or writing people.

  3. You should but in if you don't then who knows what will happen to your friend for her sake butt in!!!!

  4. Hey,

    TO be a True friend sometimes you have to step up and tell your friend the truth even if sometimes it may hurt or feel impossible. SO you should tell her what you honestly feel to protect her. let her know he loves her and he probably misses her dead crazy as she does and he will never forget about her and ask her what would he say if he knew that seh was saying that s tuff about cutting herself and eerything. :) let her know.  

  5. butt in if u believe it will help or u can speak to your frind again about it or girl do your myspace idea do it for your frindship

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