
Should i buy a driving net for my back garden?

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i'm new to golf and was wondering if they're worth getting?




  1. There is no harm in getting one but I don't like them because I feel like I am restricted when swinging, or the ball will fly through the net.

    Get one if you are not going to be afraid of using it for its job.

    They are good for ball striking but not for fixing problems because you can't see the shape of your shot.

    Good Luck with the golfing

  2. If ur a serios golfer, or want to improve than they are very helpful to your swing. But make sure you have a decent sized yard, and its not too close to your house!!!! :)

  3. Helps with form when swinging the club. Also I would try getting a putting set. Just lay it over the lawn and lat the natural pits and bumps make you practice reading the green.  

  4. I say sure. If you want to work on your ball striking then this will be great. The only problem is that you cant correct the problems that you would only notice mid-flight. Go to the range as much as possible. Putting is still the most important part.

    Good Luck.

  5. Yes i have one, but it gets boring doing it all the time.

    It's great for practicing your swings and was a great stress reliever for me.

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