
Should i buy a invert mini ?

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i was looking at an invert mini because i need a new gun i had a spyder TS and believe me did that gun suck ive been playing for 2 years and i need a new gun i am not a noob and im not a pro and my budget is 450 is the mini fast, strong,built right?. IF not what is a good gun to buy?




  1. ya all the way i was gonna buy one but there out of my price range so i just stick to skating

  2. I do not have mini but i am getting one, they are very well built and very light. They can fire at over 30bps and have multiple fireing modes, including ramping and nppl modes. It is also within your limit, but they only run on compressed air and need a elextronic hopper, so unless there is sumwhere close that can fill compressed air don get it, but if there is somewhere close it would be a good gun to get

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