
Should i buy a pet and what aninmal

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i am 18 years old and wont a pet im one a loq imcome of 95 every 2 weeks as i finding it hard to find work any suggestions




  1. Get a dog,they're loving,obediant"most of the time",loyal and are a good alarm,deterant against house breakers.You could take it walks,play fetch.A dog is a mans best friend,get a dog.

  2. having a pet is big the same way like ppl raise their children.since you have limited income you shouldn't think of it now.also you must be very willing to do everything for your,grooming part,feeding on time,taking them out for poo you have time and are you willing to do all?think of it first.

  3. Why buy a pet?  Adopt two kittens.  You will enjoy them so much.

  4. dogs take a lot of time and money I  have a guninea pig you can feed her left over veg peelings and salas and even dandelion leaves if you are stuck plus one bag of food lasts a while ,thet are brilliant company but prefer to be with anmother one, Dasie ours was rescued and will sit on you squeaking if you rub her head closes her little eyes she runs round the garden all day, rabbits are brilliant too but abit more work i have two and a multitude of chewed wires . good luck pets are good for keeping you happy at the end of a bad day a cuddle will do wonders

  5. Get a small animal: furry like hamters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, or non-furry like leopard geckos, small snakes, frogs.

  6. i suggest something small, like gerbils or fish something which although requires work isnt going to care if you dont come home till 1am

  7. it depends if you have enough time and space to have one

  8. it depends wear u live as if you live in a flat it would be best to get to cat or in a house a dog

  9. If you changed your attitude to people and stopped being so judgmental. you could probably do better.You did the best thing by removing the answer to my question earlier. Well done! All is forgiven!  Be fair and think very carefully ...what happens to the pet when you do get a job. ( it would be alone all day.. Thats unkind). And if you are finding it difficult to cope , imagine having to support a pet. as well. theres the extra  food and  possible vets bills ...its a tie and a responsibilty, whatever pet . You dont say what you want to do. But if you really care about animals and are not in a situation to have your own. maybe you could look into animal shelters that possibly need some desperate  voluntary help. They may even end up giving you a  a rewarding never know!  

    Good luck!

  10. I wouldn't have a dog or cat but possibly fish or bird. Dogs need walks and cats sulk if you are not around. Also vets fees for injections etc cost a fortune these days.Think about it carefully.

  11. I would say a rabbit. I have 2 right now and after the initial cost of cages, food dishes ect. It's not that expensive. Sometimes you can get cages that include everything you need, but you need a good sized cage. I bought mine for about $150 but now the cage is up to $200. But you can buy cages smaller than what I have, I have a pretty large cage. Then you buy the rabbit, which costs about $20-35. Pet Quarters sell their rabbits for $35. Then almost once or twice a month you buy a bag of food which is about $7.99 and kitty litter for their litter box which is about $8-10. Then depending on the cage you buy bedding, my cage doesn't need it so I save about $10-20 a month. Last you just need to keep up on giving them wooden chews to keep their teeth down. In reality rabbits are cheaper than dogs, cats. and reptile.  

  12. dog

    If you dont mind giving alot of attention to it and can afford your house to get ripped into shreads.


    They like to do their own thing most of the time but they do like some attention.


    they need fed thats it.


    they bite very easily if anoyed.But they are great fun if you can but up with the little spueacks they make.

    Hope you have fun with whatever you buy.


  13. Any pet is good company, but you really need to work out how much time and money you have to invest in your pet. If you are in the UK you can get free treatment at the PDSA if you are in supported housing, but otherwise you would need to be able to pay for general maintenance and insurance so you could get you animal treated if it is sick or injured.

    A dog will need to be walked at least once a day and will also need vaccination every year plus neutering. These are not covered by pet insurance.

    A cat will not need exercise, but if you keep it indoors then you will need to provide it with toys and a litter tray and fresh litter. Food is expensive for pets - go to the supermarket and price it and work it out on the basis of one 350g tin per day for a cat and a large dog will need about 200g of dry food daily (assuming it is good quality food).

    Fish are a lot cheaper to run, but the set-up costs are high. Rats and mice and such like are relatively cheap to run and a bit more responsive and affectionate than rats.

    Any animal you choose to get, get it from a rescue and they will also be able to give you advice on its future care and wellbeing.

    Do not get a pet at all unless you are willing to treat it as well as you would your child.!

  14. if you really would like a pet to take care of, i would suggest something small and low maintenance, like a fish or a hamster.  food isn't expensive, and a tank/cage is very low cost too.  if you get anything bigger, like a bird, cat, or dog, you'll have to spend lots of cash on food and vet bills every month.  get a betta fish, they're fun and easy to take care of!  they can live in a bowl, and they actually have personality.  they come in all types of colors, too!  good luck! :)

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