
Should i buy a running parachute from ebay ?? is it the same as buying a sprq parachute from eastbay?

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pleease let me know i wanna buy a running parachute from ebay because its much cheaper the price.




  1. well if ur a sprinter than buy one its supposed to really help.

  2. For parachutes, you'd want to get good quality fabrics- being that it causes so much stress, depending on what type you get, it'll ethier break easily, or last longer.

    That being said, I have bought 1 medium sized sparq chute, and it's been going strong since I bought in early last year. Before that, I bought some cheap chutes, and they didn't last as long as my sparq.

    If I were you, I'd buy the sparq- mainly because of how well it holds up.

  3. Yea you should definitely get one...also rocket ropes they help a lot need 3 people but they will really work on your fast turnover

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