
Should i buy a ski jacket for travelling?

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so i'm going on a round the world trip. its hard to pack for such a trip, as I will probably come across places with cold climates as well as warm climates.

I was thinking for places with cold climates, i should just buy myself a ski jacket. Aren't they really light but really warm? If a ski jacket can keep skiers warm in the snow, it should be enough to keep me warm in most places i go right? Would that be the only clothing i would need?




  1. yes, buy it just in case you come across some cold weather.if you have a back pack you can pack it also if the weather is warm.

  2. Depends on when you are going (and remember it is winter in the southern hemisphere during June, July, Aug).  I would aim for a rain, wind- proof jacket that is not too bulky since you usually carry stuff and walk a lot when you travel.  Some jackets have a removable liner so you have more versatility from one jacket.  I would recommend one with a hood too so that you don't have to carry an umbrella in case it rains.

  3. yes

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