
Should i buy another barb fish?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a tiger barb that killed my other fish and petco is having a sale [5 for $5] but they only allow a couple diffrent fish that u can buy and i have most of them but only 1 barb and i wanted to get another 1 but a diffrent kind of barb [i want a cherry barb]. But i was wondering if it will kill anymore fish. So should I?




  1. Barbs of every kind are known to be aggressive going after other fish and nipping their fins or even kill them. Barbs should be in a school being able to swim together in groups of about six and it shouldn't be any less then that at a time. They are even more aggressive when there's less then six fish together. You can mix the different types of barbs together. I have a fish tank that has only barbs in it. I have tiger barbs, green barbs, albino barbs, and rosy barbs they are all six years old and still going strong. I've even mated the rosy barbs a couple of times. Even the babies are aggressive. Even to themselves. I've has d babies that have killed each other off over night. And they were tiny yet.

  2. you want to buy more than one barb like 3 , 7 , 9 are good nothing in an even number.  Barbs are fin nippers also so remember if you have a school of barbs there more it should not be a problem.

  3. i answered your other question aswell if you buy a different barb it will die...tiger barbs school in 6 or more fish so you may want to think about buying 5 or 6 more tiger's....this will greatly reduce the aggression and it will keep it amongst themselves

  4. if it's gonna kill the other fish and you're ok with it, then go ahead buy it

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