
Should i buy my rat a harness or a exercise ball? for when i take him outside?

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i have heard that they love both . what would u buy?




  1. Get him one of those wheely thingies. A mini rat treadmill.

  2. not a ball because they eventully learn to open it how i'm not sure but they do  

  3. yeah

  4. The Harness paintedrain2 linked is the one I use for both my rats and ferrets. Has always worked the best and they've never escaped while outdoors.

    Exercise balls I would never use for a rat.

  5. Get a ball.  It`s alot safer.

  6. I have an extra fat rat, and she still gets outta her harness, so I returned it. None of my rats have ever done anything in their ball, other than p**p and pee extra. The wheels don't work because they are too smart for that.

    I have a couch with a large blanket over it in my room. My rats love to run around on it, and chill with me and my boyfriend while we watch t.v.

    Just make sure you have a cover or couch slip, because I can not tell you how many times we've had to lift the couch looking for that rat. Hah. And they evetually learn that they can jump off the couch, so you have to keep your eye on her. But eventually she'll learn she's not allowed to get off the couch, and will happily play within her allowed area.

    If you want you could also just set up boundaries in your back yard.

    Build walls or something to keep her in a general area.

  7. Harness.  Just so you can control him; he can roll away and get smushed by a car in a ball.  But if it's in a backyard then a ball would probably be better.  Actually, buy both.  Then you can use the one that best suits the situation. lol.

  8. A harness is just ridiculous. Would you like a rope around your body and someone pulling you. Not to mention you'll look crazy. Just get a ball.

  9. I bought both. I didn't think it'd be nice to always put her in her ball, so i got the harness too. =))

  10. I would get the ball because they get out of the harness sometimes a n its kinda hard to get them back in

  11. they dot like harnesses and they could get hurt or bitten by bugs in the open, i use a ball for my hamster , it should work on a rat the best

  12. i would recomend the super pet medium comfort harness you can buy it at petco

  13. Not the hamster ball.

    Some rats are afraid of it, and so they could suffocate.

    Others will just sit there begging to get out.

    If you want a harness I suggest you get a ferret or iguana one.

    Stay away from the "comfort" harnesses made by Super Pets [Picture below], for they only work on large males. [Females and smaller males can just slip out of them]

    Also, let your rat get use to the harness before you take the rat outside.

    You want to make sure he or she can't slip out or else the moment you go outside--zip! There goes your rat!

  14. Harness.

    Exercise balls are uncomfortable for rats (due to their backs having to arch).

    I recommend getting a harness made for reptiles. They seem to be the easiest to slip onto a rat, and thin, so it does not restrict their movement.

    I use this one, personally:

    I have used the ''comfort'' leather ones, but they're harder to get on.

    Just keep in mind, that rats easily get heatstroke, and that can be fatal, so if the day seems too warm, don't take him outside. (Of course, don't take him out if it's too chilly, either. A nice day with sun behind clouds and a small breeze is the ideal time to let him venture outdoors for play-time)

  15. i found that rats get bored with exercise balls and aoten think that you are punising them by locking them in the tiny ball. and i would not expect a rat to stay in a harness, they would easily slip out. i would reccomend getting a pen, like a rabbit pen, so he doesnt feel punished and it will also be fun.

    PS: the rat will try to climb up the bars of the pen, so you will need to supervise him

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