
Should i buy products from Wal-Mart.? What is your opinion?

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I have shopped there before...

But recently i watched the "Wal-Mart High cost" movie.....

I have also heard many bad things about Wal-Marts benefits, healthcare, enviormental precedures, usage of their millions of dollars, treatment towards their workers, and MUCH more.

All these things make me think twice about shopping at Wal-Mart again.....?

Should i?




  1. Walmart is a large company.  That makes them a very large target.  You will hear bad things about just about every large company.  You have to filter what you hear and consider the source.

    Lots of people have complaints about their jobs, work conditions, benefits, etc.  I do know that Walmart offers a lot of benefits that similar jobs don't offer.  They also hire a lot of senior citizens and mentally  challenged people.

    For all the complaints about how bad Walmart treats their employees, it's funny that there's always a long line of applicants wanting a job there.  These aren't high paying, highly skilled positions.  They are mostly minimum wage positions, part time position.

    Go ahead and shop at one of the 'finer' department stores.  Prices will be higher, the decor will be prettier, and the employees will be dressed nicer.  But they probably won't make better wages or have better benefits.

  2. my opinion is i dont care where you shop at ever take it to the forum cause this question is useless and boring that is my opinion what you heard about the treatment about the walmart workers and hearing it for your own self instead of listening to other tell all the time find out for your self cause i dont believe ever that walmart treats there worker's like c**p ever cause my sister works at the walmarts on I-30 & buckner for 10 years now in she tell's that the boss's treat every one there with respect in all so i dont believe that they treat there worker's like c**p ever find this out for your self listen in on there conversation listen with your own ears not what people tell cause they could be so full of c**p in not even no these people it is not good for people to start a rumor about people being treated like c**p walmart target are owned by the same people you shop where ever it is that you want to shop at not what people tell you all the time my god you got a head on those shoulder's right well use it for god sake this is my opinion on this question

  3. I will not shop at walmart. I don't care how much cheaper items are. They operate an un-ethical business and are driving the small manufactures out of business. They are even forcing large manufacturers to sell their items as such a low cost since they have control of the product's market share, that manufactures are either passing those costs to the non-walmart carriers or they are reducing their quality to keep costs down in-order to stay in business. When an employee starts at walmart they hand them a medicaid application for insurance coverage (at least in our state). So, you and I are paying for their coverage when they work for one of the worlds largest and richest organizations. Sound appropriate?

    On top of that...have you been to a walmart lately? It is not a pleasant place to be. You have to dumb yourself down to walk in there and be part of the frequent walmart crowd.

    It is not worth it for any reason. Just resist and you will be happy you did.

  4. Well, I'm always looking for the best price that would make my salary long last and they accomplish that.

  5. I personally refuse to shop at walmart, yeah their prices are low but theres a reason why...they treat their employees like c**p!!!  and thats why there prices are so is wayyy better

  6. I do not think you should buy products from Wal-Mart. Small businesses are suffering because of big box corporations like Wal-Mart. When small businesses suffer, so do people, our communities, and the economy. Take a look at this company, America's Best Companies. They are doing a lot to ensure small businesses stay in business. There are videos on the website that show why shopping at places like Wal-Mart are bad.

  7. Do what you want. However I try to avoid buying things there. They will send engineers to companies to tell them how to make something cheaper and lower quality. So what is looked like a cheap price at Walmart is not the same product at target.

    Sam Walton is spinning in his grave.

  8. I am happy shopper at Wal-Mart, because I like the prices.  If anyone has any issue, you shouldn't shop there.  Stick to your convictions.

    My personal opinion, is that most of the anti-walmart sentiment is glib.  If you apply same the criteria (wages, benefits, healthcare, enviornment, treatment of employees) to any other business you would:  

    1) Never eat at any fast food resturant  

    2) Never purchase any type of packaged meat again (meat processing plants)

    3) Never purchase any type of fruit or vegetable product (migrant farm workers)

    4) Never buy an item from a Retail store again (notorious overseas workshops)

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