
Should i buy strategy guides for any ps3 games?

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i'm really looking forward to getting ps3 and game like mgs4. are there any games that absolutely need an official strategy guide or is gamefaqs good enough?




  1. trust me no point in wasting you money on official strategy guides, gamefaqs is just as good and i would even say better.

  2. well everybody seems to think that when people getting a strategy guide always asume they stupid and sucks at gaming but personally i get a strategy guide is to not miss secret items ect.... and get everything the game have to offer.

    metal gear games is a movie game. is a strategic game. is a difficult game and a type of game you want to play alone quietly. a strategy guide is a must!

  3. i only get strategy guides that i really find nesccesary like zelda or final fantasy where there are so many secrets in the game. but for a game like MGS 4 i don't think its nesccesary. i would just use the online strategy guides like from gamefaqs, gamespot or my personal favorite, ign

  4. wen i get a strategy guide, ill beat the game on my own first. then ill use the guide to go back and do things i missed that way i don't spoil anything by using the guide on my first play through the game. but yea, gamefaqs is just as good as any guide, plus you'll save 15 bucks

  5. no strategy guides are only better for games packed with unlockables like fighting games but you don't need it gamefaqs is good

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