
Should i buy the Remington Wet to Straight hair straightener?

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Ok I have thin mostly straight hair. I just want to buy the straightener because i hate blowdrying my hair and if i sleep with my hair wet, it ends up with strange waves in awkward places.




  1. I have the same problem.  My hair is fine and thin, mostly from over-layering.  Mine is naturally wavy and medium in texture, so when i don't blowdry it, it gets those awkward waves, and the short bangs look horrible with waves.

    What I will tell you is: do NOT buy this straightener.  It is not worth the money for a straightener with metal plates.  These tear at your hair and cause breakage.  Not only are the plates bad, but drying your hair with a straightener is an extremely bad idea.  It fries it, and looks very frizzy and, well, just bad on thin hair.  I used to have the two inch, and it straightened it, well enough, but it really broke and damaged my hair.

    What you want to buy is the Conair 1 inch ceramic straightener.  It's about the same cost as the Wet-2-Straight, about twenty dollars.  (By the way, I am Anti-CHI.  Everyone says they're so fantastic, but the 22 dollar Conair I have now works just as good, if not better, than any 170 dollar CHI I've ever used.)  Ceramic is so much better than metal.  It makes my hair really soft, and does not damage your hair like the Remington.

    As for not wanting to dry your hair; I hate drying my hair too.  It takes forever, and since my hair is wavy, I have to straighten it afterwards.  It must take half an hour to do this.

    What I do when I take a shower before bed is just dry my bangs, put the rest in a ponytail or braid and sleep with it wet, and then straighten the rest of my hair in the morning.


  2. I dont think thats to good for you honestly, I tried it.... Wow can you say fried.

  3. I absolutely love mine. It doesn't dry and straighten at the same time though if your hair is actually wet :( I don't use it on the hottest setting, but basically I either use it on damp (not wet) hair to keep it straighter as it's drying or I use it on dry hair. My hair ends up all crazy if I sleep with it wet too. I would towel dry it when it's wet, then after that use the straightener to keep it straighter as it's drying. Then in the morning set it to dry and straighten it all the way.

    Whether or not it damages your hair more is a real debate because the concept behind this is that you won't have to blow dry your hair AND straighten it, so it would reduce the overall damage if you take out the damage from blow drying. It's to each their own.

  4. NO!! if you want healthy hair!! I have used CHI everyday for 4 years and my hair is really healthy. I just got a new one and it was $160 but definitely worth the money.


  6. I heard that it's bad for you. You're not supposed to straighten your hair when it's wet or it damages it more. Some people use it and it might look fine, but it's actually not.

  7. yeah u can it does work but it isnt as good as say... ghds.

    Oh... and sleeping with ur hair wet is bad for you.

  8. i have thin hair and it works GREAT. but its horrible for your hair to straighten it when its wet, so i suggest you let it air dry first then use heat protecter cuz you have thin hair ! brushing your hair helps it dry faster, so brush it for a while and it'll help.  

  9. no!  It is incredibly bad for your hair.  Think about it.  You aren't steaming your hair, you're SCORCHING it!  especially if you use it constantly.  Best bet...invest in a chi.  it'll fix everything that happens when you sleep on wet hair.  I can pull my hair back wet with bobby pins one day and not wash my hair and wear it all down the next!  The chi gets hot enough to fix your hair properly but also makes it sleek and shiny!

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