
Should i buy this car???

by  |  earlier

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What you think im 18 and want a nice car that will last a few years. Tomarrow ima test drive it since i live near the dealer. I know 13 grand for your first car is steep but ima pay it monthly and my dad is gona give me 5 thousand for my first car.




  1. As the 6th guy to answer your question said, the insurance on that car is going to absolutely kill you. Between the insurance, gas, & monthly payment, you'd better be making some serious scratch for an 18 y/o. I'm d**n near 40 & I wouldn't buy that car.  

  2. ? huh? never buy a car that costs more than you make in a week??  Then 99% of the country would be driving $500 cars.  That makes no sense....


    If you are 18, you cant finance the car under your name.  You wont have any credit at all.  So Dad is going to have to finance it, or cosign.  Then, the APR is going to be fairly high.  Plan on $250-300/month for payments.

    Gas is not cheap on a Mustang GT either

    And check your insurance. It will be sky high - especially for a young driver.

    By the time  you add all that up, you will be spending 700-1000/month on the car.  Thats a HUGE financial nut to make for someone who is just turning 18

  3. the price is alittle to high for the mustang. i say if you get the price down to around 9 to 10 thousand it be okay. go on to check the price cause 13g alittle to pricey.

  4. Do you make $13000/week. You should never buy a car that costs more than you make in a week. If you could afford this car, you must be a millionaire, you are a very lucky 18 year old.

  5. yo man im 17 and im actually looking for a car myself, but man the mustang Gt is a sick car as long as u dont live in a city that has a lot of snow, because that car is RWD and will cause chaos in the winter. But other than that, its a sick car. Go for it.

  6. i agree with you. you should have a good first car that is very reliable. but 13 thousand is alot. if u think u can handle it, go ahead. and its a very nice car too. just make sure u know everything about it. u'll need a vehicle report and everything just to be absolutely positive its in great shape.

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