
Should i change my money before i got to australia - or when i get there?

by  |  earlier

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I'm moving to sydney for a yr, i will have a bank account over there eventually - but until i get that set up I obv need to take cash with me. I was going to get it changed here in the uk before i left until someone told me to do it there - does anyone know where ill get the better exchange rate - or will it be no different?

Cheers for all the help!




  1. Rather than carry heaps of cash, does you keycard from your current bank work over here - check with your bank.  

  2. there

  3. their money is wierd. Its plastic

  4. I went last year, and took my Bankers card with me, and I found out that I could get money from the ATM like I do here and it came out in dollars. I found it very easy, but before you do  go to your Bank and they will tell you all about it. Have a great time, as I did and its so laid back, so you feel at ease with everyone. Good luck to you.... and believe me you will not want to come back.

  5. If you have time, open a current account with Nationwide and use their debit card at ATM.  I have done this on 5 long trips now.  They charge no commission, give as good an exchange rate as any - better than most - and make no charge for using the card anywhere in the world.

  6. Definitely when you're in the UK - the money exchangers here have incredibly high margins/spreads.

  7. Lowjoy is right, you usually get a better rate taking the money straight out of the cash machine using your ordinary debit card, and this is obviously more convenient also - check with your UK bank first. You will need to change some money in advance to pay for a couple of things when you first arrive, a few hundred dollars should be plenty.

  8. Change it there the commission will be lower

  9. I'm moving to Sydney to live on the 1st of september, I already have an Aus account so I have just  been transfering my money out my UK account into Aus account. Also make sure you have at least £1000 to open an account, I'm with HSBC and thats the minimum I had to put in to open an account. I am also changing cash here befor I go. My advise would be try and look for a good exchange rate in the UK, better to have some Aus $ befor you get there.

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