
Should i change my transmission fluid?

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my car is from 1994, i got an oil change the other day and the guys said that my trans fluid was really dirty, they showed it to me and yeah, it was pretty dirty. but i heard that its not a big deal to change it. i heard that in cars that old getting it changed could actually cause problems with the engine. is this true?? or am i safe to change it.




  1. ya u should get it changed, It wont really mess your engine up, but will wreck ur transmission after a while, just make sure u get a trans tune up. Theres a big difference, Tune up u get a new filter and gasket and all the fluid a flush might not get.

  2. Don't have it flushed, but yeah, change it.

  3. id probably get it changed

  4. I would change it, along with the tranny filter.  It's only bad to change it if there is alot of sludge, and you put that fully synthetic s**t in there.  Just use regular tranny fluid, and you should be fine.

    Do it yourself too. changing the engine oil, and tranny fluid is a breeze, and definately easy enought to save money.

  5. I dont recomend flushing it, flushing can open up leaks in other spots, some leaks can plug themselves, over time deposits can plug holes in gaskets themselves it all depends on your mileage. If you have more than 125 thousand on the car or more, I recomend a total fluid and filter change, but do not flush, if you flush, you may open up more holes in gaskets and seals and your driveway will look like a slip "N" slide, And of course, the boys at "jiffy lube" will try to sell you on the most expensive. Fluid and filter!

  6. Yes tranny oils should be changed every 30K miles.  Here are the basic maintenance list:

    There are 4 most important maintenance items in your engine and tranny (the most expensive parts of the car).

    (1) engine oil (3k - 5K miles)

    (2) tranny oil (30K miles)

    (3) coolant (3 years)

    (4) timing belt (60K miles)

    Just keep those maintenance and your engine and tranny will be problem free.  I have a 94 Civic with 187K miles and the engine + tranny + suspension runs like new.  I get 41 MPG (doing 72 MPH).  I can get even better MPG doing 55.

    Good maintenance pays off.

    Good Luck....

  7. yea I heard something similiar b4.

    I believe when u "drain and fill" the trans oil u might mess it up cuz it the new oil mixes with some of the old used oil.

    your best bet is to have a "complete flush" of the oil to make sure 100% of the old used oil is out of there.

    I would change the oil on your trans. It might help it last longer.

  8. well you should change your transmission fluid every 50,000 miles,if it looks dark red and has a burnt smell you should have it changed and the filter,if it's has a light tint red,you should be OK,but if it's that bad as the mechanics sayed it was,you would notice with the transmission slipping in the gears when driving, sometimes you have to have your bands adjusted, over time it gets burnt,and it's just regular maintenance to replace it,like if you didn't change your oil,you wouldn't be going no where,poor lubrication,check the transmission fluid after you drove it,when the engine running &hot,not cold,well it ain't hard to change,just don't over fill it,and get a rubber gasket for the pan,and don't over tight the bolts on the pan 15/20 ft. lbs.,the gasket will seal it into place,transmission and the engine are 2 different parts,but there coupled together on the bell housing,that makes you go down the road along with driveaxles or rear end axle,depending on frt. wheel or rear wheel

  9. Yes in some ways changing it can damage the engine but it is better to change it then to let old tranny fluid run through it but when you change it i would also put a new gasket on the transmission pain and replace the transmission filter.

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